Frankly, this is a staggering amount and I don't think it will ever be repaid.
That begs the question: what is going to happen ?
The GOP insiders, mainly Cheney and Karl Rove, stated that Reagan proved that the debt don't matter. In other words, running up the debt was a way of doing business and one can still gbt et re-elected.
Now, for a democrat to use that play from the Reagan bible is dare ye pull a GOP play out your arse.
And, since it has been brought took George W. Bush FAR LESS TIME in office to double the debt that the current arse in office. That fact is not even debatable since it is all a matter of public record.
Katherine, it is really quite simple...your credit card bill is due and we are now going to collect on the deferred interest and start billing you for two wars unfunded and unpaid for, a Medicare class D prescription act that was passed to provide medicine for seniors but was never funded. Your bill is due (past due actually) and we have had deferred funding for a decade and we would now like for you to pay your balance in full.
Essentially, that is the situation here on the home front.
Elsewhere, ala Cyprus...I heard on the news today at the Atlanta airport that the Cyprus banks have frozen ALL accounts and the MOST anyone can withdraw PER DAY is 100eu. That is insane and tragic for the Cypriots.
Frankly, I see a total collapse of the euro within 2 years. The stable countries like Germany can not be the bank to all nations. Nothing has been done about Italy, Spain, and Portugal yet which are on the brink of failure. Spain is worrisome from my perspective. Not only are we witnessing a collapse of their nation, the call for Barcelona and the Barca region to secede and institute statehood is really picking up steam. We could literally be watching Spain split in half.
The euro is toast, imo, simply because a couple of nations that are prosperous and stable can not bear the weight of an entire continent.
The real test, as you mentioned earlier, is if warfare comes into play. NATO itself would be in a perilous situation doing battle among its own members.
You know, Russia just might make out like a thief in the night when all is said and done. Russia will not jeopardize any of its oil and gas pipelines and will do everything in its power to keep those flowing through some of the troubled countries. Russia could intervene in places that it is not welcomed. In the end, Russia could also parlay its vast oil and gas reserves as a means to entice former Soviet states back into the Russian territories.
Beware of Putin and his play in all of this.
Stay tuned.