A quick check on
www.dnsalesprice.com shows over 100 publicly reported .net sales for 10k and up.
Big deal, Genius! If you guys think the name is worth so much then go ahead and make an offer. The bottom line is that if the name was recently acquired for low XX,XXX then the previous owner for sure hadn't received any offers higher than that. So if that makes the name worth 50K then I guess you guys are right.
I don't give a rat's ass how many .nets have sold for XX,XXX and up. My guess was that it was not that many. Not one of you geniuses even came up with one single example of a country .net that sold for big money, and I am sure that you would have brought it up if you could find one.
Put the name in the offers thread and we'll see how high it goes. It will be less than most of you think. Not many people are rushing to make offers...are they?
Let me know when you can tell me exactly how many .nets have sold for over XX,XXX. Until then, don't base your argument on the fact that I cannot prove the number is less than 100.
There are hardly any monster sales in the .net area. Let's see one or two appraisers offer just 75 percent of their appraisal for this name.....then you can point to something and pat everybody on the back.
You sound like a bunch of .mobi guys. Count up all the .net sales and let me know when there is one like this that sold for mid five figures.
The owner of the name asked for appraisals. If someone wants to spend 50K on the name then who is going to pay them more than that? Someone might, for sure. I am looking for one person to step up and offer him a legitimate 30K for it. Do that and there is your lowest price.