Let's not forget that most (?) type-in domains are parked, and they don't necessarly encourage the visitor to type-in in similar domains again.
Agreed. In line with the posts in this thread, it seems that the best way to "popularize the direct navigation method to the public" is to provide real value on those domains, so that if a user types in credit.com and finds it very useful, they may get the impression that all other generic.com's will be equally as helpful in finding what they're looking for.
In this regard, many great minds & companies are working on a solution, and i do hope they succeed in bringing greater value to 'parked' generics than current parking pages do.
In terms of numbers, it'd be interesting to know what %tage of the (generic) direct nav market is controlled by the top 5-10 players.... Frank Shilling, Kev Ham, Marchex, Oversee, Communicate, NameMedia, Fabulous, Rick Schwartz & co
- Would their total holding be about 3m domains?
- Would their typeins be 15% of the total direct nav market? More?
If they're a significant share of the market, then what they do on their domains will affect the public and in turn the rest of the direct nav market.
Back to .... "Can we - as a community - do anything to popularize the direct navigation method to the public?"
Yes, as an identifiable first step which we can all do, perhaps we should start by turning off those annoying $0.01 popups. Its annoying to us, its annoying to the public and it must be one of the (main) things that ppl dislike about parked pages.