Originally posted by DotComGod
We are considering hosting a conference in Las Vegas, Nevada for the weekend of October 18th and 19th.
Costs will be determined and announced over the next week.
We will have many key players from the domain industry there to deliver presentations.
Please post a message here if you would be interested in attending.
Dnforum.com will cover the cost of getting the speakers and the conference facilities.
You will be responsible for your own air and hotel but we will provide a package through a major hotel.
Anyone under 21 will be allowed to attend the conference but cannot enter the casino.
This is your chance to meet all the people you talk to everyday!
Originally posted by .
NYC around Novemeber please!
Originally posted by DotComGod
Anyone under 21 will be allowed to attend the conference but cannot enter the casino.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators