"We mock what we don't understand"
Mike03.1", I didn't believe it either, until :
[email protected]
Date: November 29, 2005 2:24:30 PM EST
[email protected]
[email protected]
We are contacting you because you were a participant in one or more auctions of domains acquired over the past weekend, that were scheduled to close today - November 29, 2005.
We received numerous complaints that you, our customers, were unable to participate in the closing of the auctions. To ensure fairness that all folks were able to participate in the auction until the close we are going to EXTEND the auctions to all current bidders until tomorrow November 30th, 2005.
We apologize for this inconvenience and if you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. We are working to correct the issue and will re-open the auctions as quickly as possible.
We will also NOTIFY you when we have re-opened the auctions.
If you should have any questions, please contact us.
Jamie H
Customer Service
and this:
Date Document Total
2005-11-30 payment # 214033 ($60.00)
2005-11-30 invoice # 214033 $60.00
2005-11-27 payment # 213462 ($60.00)
2005-11-27 invoice # 213462 $60.00
Date Document ID Domain Currency Item Price Item Taxes Total
2005-11-30 PYMP-214033 USD $0.00 $0.00 ($60.00)
2005-11-30 INVP-214033 gmaccesories.com USD $60.00 $0.00 $60.00
2005-11-27 PYMP-213462 USD $0.00 $0.00 ($60.00)
2005-11-27 INVP-213462 clevelandcavalers.com USD $60.00 $0.00 $60.00
I have no idea how or why the clevelandcavs typo is there I NEVER backordered it.
I was wrong, as stated in an earlier post.
The domain didn't disappear from my account, I actually won it.
I did win "gmaccesories.com" and was charged for it, but wait ...
what's this???? another credit....... poof....... huh?
no outbidding, no sniping, just vanished like fart in the wind.
those that are just getting started and have yet to figure out how the system works
And to think, I'm just a newbie to this, one week in and this is how things are done. I'm starting to see how the "system" works. I'm sure there are better rape stories out there.
If anyone needs more proof there is something shady going on, you are either in la la land or you work for Pool.com