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Do you remember .mobi ?

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Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Do you remember the .mobi domain names?

I remember there being quite a fuss about them last September.

One of them actually made it onto DNjournal this week (hobby .mobi).

Do you think there will be a .mobi revival ?
Domain Days 2024


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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About the same as .EU. That was all the discussion when I came on this board almost 1 year ago.

Domain Jedi

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
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Do you think there will be a .mobi revival ?
2 things ought to liven things up:

1. The development of news.mobi, ringtones.mobi, sports.mobi and weather.mobi.

2. The live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West 2007 (in March)


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I find it hilarious that some people have declared a 3 month old extension dead because of one week of slow sales. Gamble.mobi sold for 33 grand a few weeks ago, and I don't think that it was reported on DNforum (not yet, anyways, i could be wrong). I've also seen plenty of developed .mobi sites spring up recently.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Just looked at the DNJournal top 100 for the year. 2 .mobi made the list, average position was 48. Also 2 .eu made the list, average position 23. Now I don't think that's scientific but I don't think it's entirely dismissable either. It's not a hatred, it just seems to be a reoccuring story that these new extensions have a limited lifespan for resellers.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2006
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It's way too early to tell with .mobi...

I believe it had a great 3 months of sales for resellers and people are sitting on their names...so there is a slow down.

It is time to develop the .mobi domains...We will see the sales pick up as development takes place.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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It is time to develop the .mobi domains...We will see the sales pick up as development takes place.

Develpment is a key issue. Reseller speculation seems to be a death blow to most every new extension. The parties gvoerning the new extensions will have to start taking steps to stop this. I'm amazed that the EU commission has allowed .eu to be held captive by speculators.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2004
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Do you remember the .mobi domain names?

I remember there being quite a fuss about them last September.

One of them actually made it onto DNjournal this week (hobby .mobi).

Do you think there will be a .mobi revival ?

Hey Clueless, other naysayers & ignoramouses:

Here are some finalized .mobi sales after only 3 months:

Flowers.mobi $200,000
Fun.mobi $100,000
Hot.mobi $40,000
StockQuotes.mobi $27,000
Cams.mobi $23,600
Party.mobi $13,000
Wow.mobi $9,000
Attorney.mobi $23,606
AutoLoan.mobi $8,200
BBB.mobi $6,500
Agent.mobi $6,241
Students.mobi $5,600
Lenders.mobi $5,200
Gossip.mobi $5,000
Hoteles.mobi $19,500 (Spanish for "Hotels")
Mp3s.mobi $13,500
Mortgages.mobi $10,500
OnlineCasinos.mobi $10,500
FreeRingTones.mobi $9,100
VideoChat.mobi $9,000
FantasyFootball.mobi $8,621
DMV.mobi $8,500
Call.mobi $8,200
MyBank.mobi $7,110
Fix.mobi $6,000
Vuelos.mobi $5,358 (Spanish for "Flights")
Dates.mobi $5,100
Orlando.mobi $5,100
Boobs.mobi $4,800
FreeVideos.mobi $4,400
RoomMate.mobi $4,350
Banking.mobi $4,000

I've rejected $xx,xxx offers for Shows.mobi & FlashGames.mobi.

I love myopic naysayers. They have always fueled my success.



Old school
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2002
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The above domains have been sold to domainers, or users speculating on the value increasing in the future, so the above numbers mean almost nothing.

Take a look and see how many of the above domains are actually being developed, I looked at the first 6 and most are either parked or don't resolve. That should tell you a bit about where the market is heading. Why would cell phone manufacturers want to default to .mobi when it will almost never work (and the .com will).

Just because there is a craze and a few people with deep pockets are buying domains doesn't mean it will last forever, especially since this craze is based on a hope for a technology that may or may not be adopted (many cell phones already have full featured web browsers that can render any regular web page in small format).

I agree with the other guys, like Duck said, there was a .EU craze too a while back and people were buying up EUs in batches for hundreds of thousands, even setting up EU corporations. Not much is happening with those awesome EUs now.

In my opinion, .mobi = craze. It will pass and I doubt cell phones will default to them anytime soon, if ever.

Good luck with the sales Mike. You've got some awesome .mobis and I do hope that you'll score a serious sale one day.
Luc L.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I'm sorry, but I don't see how people can make such drastic conclusions about a 3-month old extension. I'm not trying to flame anyone, but seriously, its been 3 months...


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Well don't take it personal. Some guys are agressively anti-mobi and I understand getting irritated at that. But for the most part a lot of us just feel like we've seen this movie before. New extension comes out, some speculators buy premium names and then it just kind of fades away. The real battle is not with the speculators and initial purchasers. The real battle is getting the public to type in new extensions. The speculators that drive enthusiasm at the start actually hurt development efforts. Kind of a "win the battle lose the war" situation. With the single exception of .net, I don't think extension awareness efforts have shown much success so far.
The other issue with .mobi, even if it is successful it will still be limited to people using mobile devices at that time. In fact it's the only extension that will eliminate PC users. Hard to imagine that a very high percentage of commerce will be done away from the PC. It will be limited to a few industries and even then the percentage will be limited.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hard to imagine that a very high percentage of commerce will be done away from the PC. It will be limited to a few industries and even then the percentage will be limited.

oh man.

did you really just say that?

that statement has nothing to do with .mobi really.... im the opposite belief..living in a society of I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW, i have a hard time believing that mobile computing/mobile internet wont explode (opps, it already has)...

limited to a few idustries???

i guess you have a point tho... the porn industry may have a tough startup, because it is kinda challenging to wack the willy at the college football game, or at your local dennys without being pointed out. that low-lit basement room with fixed PC was so much nicer..


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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The above domains have been sold to domainers, or users speculating on the value increasing in the future, so the above numbers mean almost nothing.
Just because there is a craze and a few people with deep pockets are buying domains doesn't mean it will last forever, especially since this craze is based on a hope for a technology that may or may not be adopted (many cell phones already have full featured web browsers that can render any regular web page in small format).

I agree with the other guys, like Duck said, there was a .EU craze too a while back and people were buying up EUs in batches for hundreds of thousands, even setting up EU corporations. Not much is happening with those awesome EUs now.

In my opinion, .mobi = craze. It will pass and I doubt cell phones will default to them anytime soon, if ever.
Luc L.
That's one valid point indeed. At present we can speculate both ways.
Time will tell for sure.
Let's see in 2 years time when the first regs come due for renewal how many will drop and how many thriving, live sites are to be found under .mobi.
Let's be honest: this is still speculation stage.
New extension comes out, some speculators buy premium names and then it just kind of fades away. The real battle is not with the speculators and initial purchasers. The real battle is getting the public to type in new extensions. The speculators that drive enthusiasm at the start actually hurt development efforts...
That's the bottom line. A TLD that was meant for large-scale usage cannot thrive without public awareness.

I'm not even convinced we need more TLDs. We already have too much pointless extensions. It's quite ironic that ICANN now wants to rid off deprecated TLDs while they are inundating the market with crap.

I know .mobi was meant to be a distinct breed but I do not see this TLD going anywhere. It's way too restrictive and any TLD including .com will achieve the same result.

IMO it has more to do with market segmentation and possibly some hidden agenda of the mobile industry lobby. If you want an example of what market segmentation means think about the so-called DVD zoning.
This is not a consumer-friendly technology as it exists solely for the sake of distribution rights (a lobby).
Actually the whole scheme is so bad it's been circumvented just like software copy protections are routinly cracked.

Likewise .mobi is not consumer-friendly because of the confusion it introduces.
Not all websites that are tailored/adapted to mobile devices are going to resort to .mobi.
Best practice lies in the design of web sites that are browser-agnostic and render to any device. It can be done and could be done. .mobi is not going to change that.

It's been said before, just because there is industry backing doesn't mean it will succeed. And even within the mobile industry not everyone is .mobi-enthusiast.

Mobile Internet will take off when it reaches the comfort of desktop computing. That is, high speed connections, cheap airtime, larger screens and input keyboards.
I'm sure that in the years to come technology will bring answers in the form of innovations like 'foldable' screens etc.
By then the need for trimmed down content and crippled devices will be gone.
To put it more bluntly, mobile should keep pace with technology and not the other way around.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2006
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2 things ought to liven things up:

1. The development of news.mobi, ringtones.mobi, sports.mobi and weather.mobi.

2. The live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West 2007 (in March)

Your two points should also give a better indication as to where .mobi is going. I will add one more:

3. Companies using .mobi for TV, radio and magazine advertising. I have not noticed this yet.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2005
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There is not enough facts to support flaming of .mobi, or even .eu. Stop thinking like short time investors and thing ahead and most importantly, think about what makes a TLD successful.
A TLD's success first of all depends on the whether the users are familiar the TLD. In order for someone to get used to a TLD, he must have either used it, or seen it somewhere. The above suggests 2 things:
1. A number of websites needs to be developed, something that cannot happen over a few months or even years.
2. The second step is for websmasters to start activly marketing their pages, something that will educate new users for the existance of this new TLD.

Before the 2 above steps are taken, there is no way for people to start typing in .mobi or .eu or whatever new TLD. 4-5 years should be allowed for the TLDs to mature and only then should speculators draw conclusions about it's success.

Statements that a 1 year old (or 3 months old) TLD is a failure, are not based on real facts. I'm sure that if people really sit down and think about it, they will see my point of view


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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There is not enough facts to support flaming of .mobi, or even .eu. Stop thinking like short time investors and thing ahead and most importantly, think about what makes a TLD successful.
A TLD's success first of all depends on the whether the users are familiar the TLD. In order for someone to get used to a TLD, he must have either used it, or seen it somewhere. The above suggests 2 things:
1. A number of websites needs to be developed, something that cannot happen over a few months or even years.
2. The second step is for websmasters to start activly marketing their pages, something that will educate new users for the existance of this new TLD.

Before the 2 above steps are taken, there is no way for people to start typing in .mobi or .eu or whatever new TLD. 4-5 years should be allowed for the TLDs to mature and only then should speculators draw conclusions about it's success.

Statements that a 1 year old (or 3 months old) TLD is a failure, are not based on real facts. I'm sure that if people really sit down and think about it, they will see my point of view

Yes i agree 100%
Also i have 2 mobis on sedo auction now at $600 & $2250 respectively, not bad.
Thing is many people on the forum were dissing .org's a few months ago, especially on appraisals. Even oneworders. There's been 2 x $100k sales of them last week. Another similar sale couple months ago.
These things go in waves. No extension in history has given a patch of instant results like .mobi.
Of course it couldn't be sustained. I have no doubt the next mobi premium auctions will make news again & a fresh round of sales will culminate... & so on.
Even .com has bad weeks on dnjournal.
I bought 150 .mobis. I've sold 5. Got my money back already. Now i'm happy to sell a few more, but am developing some in the new year. It's what we .mobi pioneers need to do. It helps us, the extension, the consumers.

It's always funny when black & white comments are made. People predicting it's a failure or massive success. Like the guys say, we're 4 months in! :lol:
Take the sales if they come. Flip some. Save the best ideally & develop. No different to how i approach other extensions.
Let's hope this market of ours grows exponentially again in all extensions.
I hope we all need a wheelbarrow.mobi for our cash in 2007! :yes:


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2006
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- .mobi: this is basically an amway of TLDs. if you read the fine print, there are a number of restrictions for .mobi sites. granted some parking sites like sedo offer .mobi ready parking pages, but if you don't conform to their standards, you're out of luck.
- mobile content: this isn't content on the go. there are 2 issues. 1 is rendering. as you may know the phone in your pocket is different than the person next to you. even if it's the same model (e.g. RAZR) depending on the operator and region, the software stack will most likely differ. the biggest one is the browser. browsers are not unified and the key players (openwave and opera) are vying for total market control and thus drive their own standards. rendering WAP or mobile site pages is a huge hurdle and there are companies that address this specifically (Volantis' mobilizer product http://mobilizer.volantis.net is a great tool to create mobile sites). The second issue is defining content types to meet device profiles. Similar to the rendering issue, not all mobile content (which by the way is defined as ringtones, screensavers, wallpaper, video clips...NOT content on the go) will run on all phones. Screen size, media support, and even operator gating procedures all impact if the content will run properly. Basically think of these issues as the old PC vs. Mac problem. PC content used to not work on Mac and vice versa. However, nowadays there are utilities that allow this. the mobile industry is very early from astandards perspective and we shouldn't see a unified mobile standard until 2008 at the earliest...


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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The only restriction is that the site works on a small screen. To say this shows one's ignorance when it comes to developing mobile sites. To make a mobile site, all you need is mobile xhtml (which isn't rocket science, its basically html with a few added features for mobiles), and no frames (which aren't really being used anymore anyways). Before you make such an assumption, you really should do some research.


There are 2 mandatory rules here. The rest are all suggestions and best practices.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2006
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The only restriction is that the site works on a small screen. To say this shows one's ignorance when it comes to developing mobile sites. To make a mobile site, all you need is mobile xhtml (which isn't rocket science, its basically html with a few added features for mobiles), and no frames (which aren't really being used anymore anyways). Before you make such an assumption, you really should do some research.


There are 2 mandatory rules here. The rest are all suggestions and best practices.

you're insane


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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you're insane

How so, for posting a link and trying to explain my point? Explain yourself, or keep your jerkoff comments to yourself.

Maybe if you actually read the document, you would see that everything I just said was true. Anyways, I have better things to do than argue with ignorant people.

Happy New Years Everyone :)
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