First off all, the mentioned Premium letters have been decided by 1 U.S. website which then many U.S. domainers referred to.
This website did not take into consideration other relevant info that found that starting in W or U were among the first 5 letters.
Then many languages do not have the 26 letters of the English alphabet.
For example in Italian there are only 21 letters. There are no: J-K-X-W-Y
Always in Italian V is a very well used letter. Italians would hate the J-K and X more than any other.
In German the letter Z is a great letter.
Chinese love the Q and X but they don`t have the V.
A recent Poll here found that the letter U is considered by a majority of NP member to be Premium.
More info about the letter U:
- it`s one of the 5 vowels.
- according to this survey:
the letter U has been the 4th preferred letter as starting letter:
Registration rate for domains beginning with a certain letter:
Most popular:
a: 72.7%
w: 70.4% (also here you can that the W was second!)
t: 68.0%
u: 66.4%
i: 66.3%
- and according to these statistics :
the letter U in English is used more than letters like M , C and F and is right in the middle of the list (same in the italian language).
If we analise the stats regarding French and German , then the U is used even more.
I suppose that who wrote originally the 3 char price guide has done this little mistake and since that all domainers followed that mistake. Why do we need to follow something that is incorrect?
As you can see, it`s totally difficult to establish only what was considered reliable several years ago when internet users were mainly from the USA.