I am dealing with some banks and trying to convince them that domain names actually have value. They used to ask me what a domain name was, at least now they say a domain name is a form of goodwill and holds no value.
I tell them "no, they are actually worth money, honest", then I get a confused look and they tell me to go away.
I am an extreme domainer and have put a lot of money into my names, too much -lol, but I wanted to buy while they are bargain priced. I believe I have an excellent portfolio of approximately 1500 good to extremely high quality names, birthdaygift(s).ca, bracelet(s).ca, dinnerware(.)ca, bead(ing).ca, brooch(es).ca, classicalmusic(.)ca, incense(.ca) and many more. I am looking for ways to convince the bank to give me money and use the names as collateral.
Has anyone had any experience with dealing with the banks and domain names. I thought by now they might be starting to get it, but like most businesses out there it is all still mystical stuff -lol. I am hoping to avoid investors for what I am trying to do.