Clearly, it absurd to put the whole Industry under the same category, but actually if you look at some of the other forums, it is apparent that the vast majority of participants are totally clueless. This matters not a great deal for the industry as a whole, as this significant majority in terms of pure numbers are a very insignificant proportion of the total in terms of financial resources. Frankly, most of them have only just started wearing long trousers. The endless listing threads of English domains in a dot Asia extension that is hardly likely to gain any traction outside the US is even more pathetic than the ruthless exploitation of the naive by the dot Mobi registry. It seems that it will be a decade before the bedraggled surviving remnants of the legions of dot Asia, dot mobi and hyphenated word brigades will be in a position to make a meaningful assault on the hardcore of domain names with actual commercial value, which even in non-Latin scripts are pretty much exhausted in terms of new regs. Very little of real substance is coming onto the market for less than a King's ransom, but the market is inundated with worthless junk. There is a rationalisation coming, not least due to the economic climate in the US. I would expect about 30% of all that is registered to be dropped over the next couple of years. But overall registration will increase as there is an explosion in names that mean absolutely nothing to the majority of members here, which are going to service the emerging markets, as the debt mired western economies gradually fade into the background. The importance of economies that have more ad-hoc patches than a Microsoft OS is going to fade giving ground to much more dynamic and often more fundamentally important regional powers. This will have a massive and lasting impact on the overall structure of the global domain market. The displacement of dot DE by dot CN as the World's second largest register, is only a sign of what is about to ensue.
Not all domainers are losers by any stretch of the imagination, but a significant proportion are about to be engulfed in a maelstrom due to the imploding bubble of their own misguided Group-Think.