Nup ocean. Spamcop has been around for years. What I COULD vouch for is that if you let Spamcop filter your email, then you will see at least a 95% drop in your spam mail. It's dynamic blacklist is based on people like me that report spam the instant it hits the radar screen. After 3 days, that blacklist is refreshed with a new blacklist. So Spamcop is very current.
The net result is that I get very little spam when I boot my Outlook client. Everything is contained at the server level. Really boring actually. There is a function that you can use to report all spam that is held by spamcop at the server level.
I've been using Mailwasher for the past month now (to bounce whatever I can back) with 12 blacklists ( I report spam still via Spamcop), and most times, its Spamcop's blacklist that nails them dead.
Spamcop is, admittedly, not for the amateur user. But over time, you get better and better as you analyse how spamcop traces the source of spam. It's all about practice, and understanding how ips are masked and the tricks spammers play to hide their tracks. So you don't go accusing the wrong person.
Its like, as fizz mentioned, a game - with the end result of bringing your spam ratio down to its minimum. Qute fun actually.
You will need to try their $30/year flat rate email account to see what I mean. But I can safely guarantee that at least 80% of your spam email, you will never download again to your email client. It's all automatic.
The art of fighting spam is very interesting, and requires a holistic approach - and you need to formulate evolving strategies to outfox the spammer.
If you need assistance, just PM me.