This idiot is the nutjob who posted about why his sites are great because of high Alexa ratings, how numerals in the middle of words increase value (like,, and whenever anyone disagrees with him (though he claims to be a she sometimes, so who knows) he goes into swearing and harassing posting emails.
When he posted this "press release" under a sockpuppet account pretending to be a neutral third party on usenet, I pointed out that he is clueless, and that the "news" site is run by the same idiot.
So naturally he started attacking all my posts with slurs and swearing, and then he progressed to going to one of my websites' messageboards and spamming it with hate mail, and then emailing me to threaten to sue me for libel, LOL. Of course i got the IP address from all of them proving to be the same idiot, hid the postings on the board before anyone read them, blocked him, etc.
The person is a raving lunatic, and anyone with half a brain can see that.
The good thing is I finally gave up on usenet since only the whackos are still there. Between this idiot and the one who forges my return address on threatening letters to other people (all with IP address leading straight back to his host in the UK, moron) there was no sign of intelligence there.