Donny, I add and remove domains all the time. In fact, all I do is change the DNS

Thank goodness, that takes 5 mins nowadays.
Yes, Sedo pays nicely for adult traffic but also other traffic - almost up to $5.
I won't sit here to discuss what I will do or what I won't do. Since you like to quote me a lot, I am glad you quoted my statement about what I like most about Parked. Thank you for offering me a window to Google: I use your custom template system to drive traffic, then move the domains elsewhere
I certainly don't like your attitude Donny. I would not want to have you as my employee because you seem to turn nasty when truths are being told about the other side of Parked. The situation with Yahoo will only turn worse and you know it. My statement about December 19th is that since that last downtime things changed with the Yahoo PPC. I am sure there is more than meets the eye

There is no transparency with all the PPC company folks. Maybe it's time for a change.