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Don't Attack Iraq

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Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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LOL! You know what: my parents once lived in the centre of Canada ... I mean Saskatchewan. They have finally moved to Toronto because I only visited them in the July back then.

P.S. We are still having a minus 25 degrees Celcius wind chill at the moment we speak (data courtesy of the Weather Network)!


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Originally posted by fonzerelli_79
we should not to go work

yes. saddam treats his people very differently - but why are we targetting saddam but allowing the zimbabwe issue to continue

why are we providing the weapons for the israel/palestine dispute

why arent we dealing with south korea who DO have nuclear weapons

Why did the us and the uk do nothing when iraw went to war with iran

the us and the uk are not the police of the world

saddam does not represent his people but no this is no different to tony blair - very few people in the uk want war and he is supposed to represent the opinion of the uk public

lets face it - the us economy is screwed in ten years time if they dont sort the fact that oil reserves are dropping and the basis of the whole us economy is cheap fuel

AYE CARAMBA, You are WAY off!
1)why are we providing the weapons for the israel/palestine dispute

Your NOT.

2) why arent we dealing with south korea who DO have nuclear weapons

Its NORTH KOREA. The south koreans are your allies.yessh!

3) Why did the us and the uk do nothing when iraw went to war with iran

Thats a separate issue, not in some foreign policies to get in the way.

4) the us and the uk are not the police of the world

No, but their the two of the biggest military powers.

5) saddam does not represent his people but no this is no different to tony blair - very few people in the uk want war and he is supposed to represent the opinion of the uk public

Totally Different. Saddam Hussein is a sadist ruler. Iraqi people do not get to choose their leader.
UK is a democratic country. Fortunately, they DO get to vote for their prime minister.

6) lets face it - the us economy is screwed in ten years time if they dont sort the fact that oil reserves are dropping and the basis of the whole us economy is cheap fuel

In ten years time, their won't be any oil left in the world to consume.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Just go ahead and post. Its a free country :)

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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I will wait another week until I can figure out a solution to the problem. It's very tricky. Sad but true.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 9, 2002
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Originally posted by

I will wait another week until I can figure out a solution to the problem. It's very tricky. Sad but true.

I think you can do it.
Simply add "my impartial view" :)

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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>insomnia: Just go ahead and post. Its a free country

Actually, I'm also concerned about the U.S. being a [color=ff0000]free[/color] country ...


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 21, 2002
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To my friends across the Pacific...

Do people in the US feel as though they have any say in the decisions being made about going to war?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2002
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Originally posted by insomnia

AYE CARAMBA, You are WAY off!
1)why are we providing the weapons for the israel/palestine dispute

Your NOT.

2) why arent we dealing with south korea who DO have nuclear weapons

Its NORTH KOREA. The south koreans are your allies.yessh!

3) Why did the us and the uk do nothing when iraw went to war with iran

Thats a separate issue, not in some foreign policies to get in the way.

4) the us and the uk are not the police of the world

No, but their the two of the biggest military powers.

5) saddam does not represent his people but no this is no different to tony blair - very few people in the uk want war and he is supposed to represent the opinion of the uk public

Totally Different. Saddam Hussein is a sadist ruler. Iraqi people do not get to choose their leader.
UK is a democratic country. Fortunately, they DO get to vote for their prime minister.

6) lets face it - the us economy is screwed in ten years time if they dont sort the fact that oil reserves are dropping and the basis of the whole us economy is cheap fuel

In ten years time, their won't be any oil left in the world to consume.

thought id respond :)

1 ) 2 months ago at a conference in England Tony Blair was asked why we are making the arms for the current dispute in Israel - his answer - if we dont, someone else will. He thinks its justified because its keeping people in jobs.

2 ) I think we both know i meant north korea - it was a simple mistake.

3) Did you know that America/UK actually set up the current political system in Iraw - whilst America/UK didnt play any part in Irag being their leader directly, he rose to the top of a party in the system we helped set up.

4 )The countries with the biggest armies in the world are China and then North Korea - korean has 1 million men in their army, China much much more. I agree that America is the biggest military power but the UK is not - we have a good army but not the 2nd best in the world.

5) Totally wrong. Iraqi people do get to choose their leader. Didnt you watch the news in December seeing Hussains party win election again.

6) Yes but no other country in the world is dependent on it as much.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 8, 2002
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Originally posted by fonzerelli_79

why arent we dealing with south korea who DO have nuclear weapons

fonzerelli, you were not completely wrong. Check out this article from Guardian Unlimited

But its (South Korea) attempt to secure the nuclear deterrent during the 1970s illustrates why its communist neighbor, which preserves a Cold War-era, confrontational mindset, appears so intent on having nuclear bombs.

Another point that has been totally forgotten, or with intention, in western media coverage:

However, international experts believe South Korea has the potential to develop nuclear weapons.

I cannot remeber anymore where I read, that they would be able to produce nukes within a few months or weeks from such order.
Doesn't it seem quite reasonable for North to have the weapons too?:confused:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2002
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i didnt know anything about that - i wrote south korea instead of north korea by mistake :)


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Number of people that marched and protested against war last sunday:

More than 1 million in London,UK
More than 500000 in Berlin,Germany
Almost 1 million in Rome,Italy
More than 200000 in Athens,Greece
Plus Toronto,NYC,etc.etc.

Has been the biggest protest against war in history.

I hope UK and US wake up and realize they're doing wrong.

Otherwise one day they will have to realize this was just another vietnam - but with extreme worse consequences for the whole world.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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I think this entire thing should be handed to the UN and let the chips fall where they may.

The fact that UN members would vote down protective measures for a fellow UN nation (and specifically the only muslim nation) who requested assistance is a clear sign to me that it is an organization on the brink of becoming irrelevent.

Regardless of the outcome, the UN may still exist after this but as nothing more than a paper tiger.

In closing I'll just say that EVERY NATION voting has an agenda...the US - terrorism and oil...the Russians - Money owed by Iraq...etc.

There are no clean hands and no moral high ground to be claimed by any nation that I can tell.


Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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>Millions marched for peace around the world.

And bear in mind that it's WINTER time with freezing temperatures (hey, who's got :D ) in most places from London, Berlin to NYC.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry
There are no clean hands and no moral high ground to be claimed by any nation that I can tell.


you hit the nail on the head there :D


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 11, 2002
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a US pre-emptive strike on Iraq will breed many more terrorists as another generation grows up knowing only contempt for a nation that they see as desiring to rule the world.

Most Americans are unaware of our seemy side of history setting up right wing dictatorships to exploit the resources and peoples of third world countries. People in the US have forgotten the Shah of Iran, Ferdinand Marcos, Baby Doc, Somoza, Pinochet etc.
The people of the world who suffered and still suffer because of this legacy have not forgotten our undemocratic ties to despotism.

Anyone that is following this should know that Osama and Hussain are enemies themselves. We are not under attack from Iraq. We are not protecting ourselves. We are just showing the world the arrogance that already is despised by other nations.

The world did not protest when we went after Alquieda in Afghanistan. The world however is protesting in great numbers before the first official shots are fired ( we have been bombing Iraq on a regular basis since the Gulf war) in this war.

On a related note Bush has created a military agency called "Total Information Awareness" and he has chosen John Pointdexter to over see it. Pointdexter was indicted for lieing to congress and his indictement was only overturned because he had been given immunity for his testimony when he lied to congress. Very scary stuff.

aka: charles t kirkpatrick


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Originally posted by fonzerelli_79

4 )The countries with the biggest armies in the world are China and then North Korea - korean has 1 million men in their army, China much much more. I agree that America is the biggest military power but the UK is not - we have a good army but not the 2nd best in the world.

5) Totally wrong. Iraqi people do get to choose their leader. Didnt you watch the news in December seeing Hussains party win election again.

I just wanted to respond to these two:

In this day and age, man power is obsolete. Its the technology that fuels the victory of a war. China and North Korea may have more ground soldiers, but ultimately US/UK have better military technology and in my opinion, better training.

Also, about Hussein being voted: You know thats fake. Hussein win 100% of the vote when the country is torn in poverty? I don't think thats how things work in Iraq. Heres a funny image I found that sums the Iraq voting system up:


Thank you


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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Originally posted by insomnia

Heres a funny image I found that sums the Iraq voting system up:

Reminds me of the procedure of how Bush was "elected" .

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by nameslave
(hey, who's got :D )

I owned the - .net & .org - both until recently when I traded them to another DNF member.

That's about the only thing I can say in this thread without getting involved.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. :)


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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Reminds me of the procedure of how Bush was "elected" .

Don't get me started on that one..:D

The media trys to overthrow the government by putting the early fix on Florida returns.

This was a bloodless coup in the making led by the national networks and it took nothing less than the supreme court to end that charade.

....nuff said on that blood pressures rising as I sit here typing.

(If that doesn;t start some ugly conversation we need to invite a few recently banned members back :D )


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 27, 2002
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No Blood for Oil

Leave them alone

It would be good if a leader actually listened to the masses for once
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