Originally posted by mole
You miss the trick. Over 90% of all dotcom names end in 404 or parking pages. Dotcom was speculated to death by the hungry hoards since 1999 when Network Solutions lost its monopolistic registrar rights and registering domains became as simple as 123.
I suspect dotcom will never recover its former glamour and euphoric resale value. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Mole's insulting statements directed at safesys aside, he seems to equate speculator's earler delusional beliefs in the hypervaluations of their dot com portfolios, and their now more "realistic" valuations, as evidence of a market crash.
Why do you think that the market had any credibility when a dot com domain was viewed as a lottery ticket by many registrants. Very, very, few .coms or other tlds can empirically show sufficient inherent traffic generation potential to merit sales to end users at figures above $10K. Any legitimate end user, would have many other considerations (global or regional trademark availability, etc.) which would have to be settled prior to the commitment to any domain. This is why many companies didn't hesitate in paying naming consultants $100K for "create" names / brands / etc., which were free and clear or any trademark issues, and then snatched available domains.
Do you really think any credible company would launch under a .info. Very sad really, you sound like a shill for a .info registrar. Most companies not domiciled in the USA, would MUCH rather use their own countries tlds than some ridiculous .biz or .info. Please mole, get serious. Legal issues in Europe, for example, dictate that a company operating within the EU take on a national tld and represent itself under that extension if it is doing business in that member state.
I can only see .info or .biz appearling to speculators (the same creatures mole decries) who operate under the sad delusion, that having missed the best .com domains, the gold rush is on again ... full steam ahead to .biz and .info! Lead the charge mole!
So refreshing to see someone (er.. that would be mole) constructing an argument without the troublesome hassle of resorting to any facts ... yet feeling free to insult others for their "backward" views ... I guess anyone disagreeing with the rosy future of .info and the implosion of .com is an inbecile according to mole? So sad this thread lasted three pages ... of unsuppored cyclical arguments with no end ... lets leave mole alone with his delusions and insults