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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 13, 2004
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Most of us know that reselling domains is theoretically easy dependant on how you go about doing this, and how much money you are willing to invest in the business.

Some resellers wait for the end user, whilst others hunt the end user down.
We can literally make money whilst we sleep; This career path has my vote.

I am 17 years old, and at the moment attending a UK College studying A Levels in English Language, Computing, Sociology and Maths; Each one of these subjects I exceed in ability in comparison to other members of my class.

The question that I am faced with now is (and I am sure you were faced with the same question at my age) where do I go from here?

I love the domain game, and I plan to sell domains for the rest of my life, however I am not sure whether or not it will satisfy my needs as a full-time job; I am an extremely social person and would need to work/talk with others constantly.

What I am certain about in ten years time, is that I will be working in the 'internet industry' in some way, shape or form.

Anyway, to the point...
I would like to know what choices you made when you were 17, either good or bad. Looking back, 'What Would You Do If You Had The Choice Again??'.

I plan to go to University to study ... Something ... But that 'something' has not found me yet. My broad range of skills will allow me to do anything.

To summarize where I want to be in 10 Years Time:
... My goal may even to be work for Google.

I am asking the members of this forum because I see a high level of success stories, and even potential future employers/employees.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 4, 2003
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At 17 I didn't even know about the internet nor ever seen a domain name...I was preoccupied doing sports and tooling around with computers as a hobby back then.

It wasn't until I was 25 I got into the domain name game shortly after registering my first domain...saw a banner ad on Altavista saying anyone could register a domain name - most folks, including myself, then didn't know they easily could nor why they even should. I registered a few domains, but never thought I could make much of anything on them...and yet three years later by age 28, I'd netted well over a million. I'm 32 now and my primary project these days is CANNABIS.COM ... already made far more with it than most folks, including myself, ever thought possible...much hard work, thinking outside the box, and being very persistant pays off.

One often can't plan for the future when it comes to opportunities...to make money, one often needs to be among the first in a niche and/or better at it than most others in it. As more folks get into the domain name game, returns will continue to drop for most; many will lose money.

*Unless* you are able to build up a large, solid domain name portifolio *now*, don't count on making much in this business in 5 years, let alone 10.

To make a long story short, don't over-plan ahead...pursue what you enjoy and keep an open mind along the way (be prepared for many detours and be prepared to move on) and you'll likely stumble upon some great opportunities eventually in places you'd never expected.



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2004
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i personally aim the do domain business full time. but at this moment it is still not possible. i guess i have to do more domain research and invest more money.

hotdog_pk: if you are sociable and like to work with people and thinks you can earn a living from domain, just get a part time job to earn more money to invest.

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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I would encourage you to forget about domains as a career. Nobody knows what this game will look like by the time you are ready to focus full time on something. Instead, keep it on the backburner while you focus on your studies.

If you are sure you want a career in the internet somehow, here is my advice: learn programming languages and take some business classes. When I built my internet-based business (now sold to a larger company), the biggest thing that held me back was my lack of programming knowledge. In other words, I had the ideas, but I always had to pay somebody else and wait in order to see them materialize. If I could have done it all myself, my business would have grown much more quickly.

The social part of this comes in selling yourself. Once you have a business, you have to interact with customers, potential customers, suppliers, parters, strategic partners, etc. If you can combine social skills with programming skills, you will be a long way ahead of many, and with a few good ideas, you'll do well in business.

Domains are going to be a distraction to you. Without a lot of time and a lot of money invested, it is going to be practically impossible to turn it into a viable income. Don't let them distract you from what you can accomplish.

Good luck!

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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hotdog_pk said:
I would like to know what choices you made when you were 17, either good or bad. Looking back, 'What Would You Do If You Had The Choice Again??'.
17? LOL! I actually spent more time on girls than even *thinking* about work at all. Even if I have to do it all again, I would still do the same. :D


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 13, 2004
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Thanks for the help everyone.
skylight said:
i guess i have to do more domain research and invest more money.

MovieDomains said:
If you are sure you want a career in the internet somehow, here is my advice: learn programming languages and take some business classes.
A few years ago I started to program as a hobby, not really understanding what I could do with such knowledge. Now I am great with PHP, SQL and Photoshop and I havent met anybody the same age who is as good as me in either (Although I am sure they exist)

nameslave said:
17? LOL! I actually spent more time on girls than even *thinking* about work at all. Even if I have to do it all again, I would still do the same. :D
I go clubbing every week and most of the time I have a girlfriend so I dont think my ambitions are getting in the way of anything.

Thanks for the advice everybody. Keep It Coming! :-D


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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movie domains wrote:

I would encourage you to forget about domains as a career. Nobody knows what this game will look like by the time you are ready to focus full time on something. Instead, keep it on the backburner while you focus on your studies.

If you are sure you want a career in the internet somehow, here is my advice: learn programming languages and take some business classes. When I built my internet-based business (now sold to a larger company), the biggest thing that held me back was my lack of programming knowledge. In other words, I had the ideas, but I always had to pay somebody else and wait in order to see them materialize. If I could have done it all myself, my business would have grown much more quickly.

The social part of this comes in selling yourself. Once you have a business, you have to interact with customers, potential customers, suppliers, parters, strategic partners, etc. If you can combine social skills with programming skills, you will be a long way ahead of many, and with a few good ideas, you'll do well in business.

Domains are going to be a distraction to you. Without a lot of time and a lot of money invested, it is going to be practically impossible to turn it into a viable income. Don't let them distract you from what you can accomplish.

Good luck!

I would advise the exact opposite.

There is no financial instrument or investment on the planet that can be bought, leveraged, and/ or developed like a domain.

Programmers are technology's textile workers. When they become too expensive, you outsource them to India.

The only way to really get rich is to OWN. So, start early.

Look at all the rich folk in this business. They aren't programmers.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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valuenames said:
...and yet three years later by age 28, I'd netted well over a million.....Ron

If I would have been so fortunate to own and sell tits.com (which is listed as a sale on your webpage) I am sure I would have made more than a million $ profit too, especially if you got it for a reg fee. P.S. DomainKing once said that was the story on tits.com.

To clarify that a bit. DomainKing said that in a post in his forum board several yrs ago (before I was banned by him - LOL (for posting something he did not want to hear - my opinion or facts on a few issues, which differed a lot from his own). Basically, Schwartz referred to NetSol's refusal to sell porn sounding names at the time a number of yrs ago., but someone tried to reg tits.com and strongly appealed that decision and NetSol decided to finally make them available, including the most valauble name at the time - tits.com, said to be worth several million $. I assume he must be referring to you, right?

Please do not get anyone's hopes up they could be anywhere nearly as successful as you selling domains (most will fail), especially in view of the fact all the good ones are long gone (i.e. tits.com), never to he seen again. That was a one time historical window in time from the mid-90's, and once in a lifetime opportunity only a relatively few players benefited from, sometimes a vision but also often a lucky guess about domain popularity in the future.

Digital Address

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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Go to University!
This could be the most rewarding experience of your entire life! And to do it right, it will have to be taken quite seriously. Which will probably mean leaving much of domainland behind in order for you to fully concentrate on your studies.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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I would also urge you to go to University. But I wouldn't necessarily urge you to put everything into your studies. Studying is important of course, but it's the whole experience that will give you an education - an education in life. Be careful where you choose to go, go with the flow and enjoy yourself. You will meet lots of different people and have lots of fun. You may also be able to mix business with university life if you find a business catering to students.

In regards to business - and this applies to everything - make sure you find something you enjoy doing and you find fun. If you don't enjoy it you will never become successful at it. Find something that enthuses you.

What ever you decide to do I wish you luck. Just remember - the harder you work, the luckier you get.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Personally i would recommend training in some other form of computer/internet industry just as a fall back. How about you do a few courses on IT Hardware or even better PHP/MYSQL and then come and work for me....


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
go with the flow and enjoy yourself

Thats what I plan to do.
I also believe that you have to have fun to do things successfully.
I may have put the front that my ulimate goal is simply to be successful - Its not -
I am really social and couldnt really do anything without having friends or fun. :-D

I have fun with anything I do on the internet, and will never get bored. I am fascinated with everything about the internet and at the moment I choose to learn about it, as a hobby (almost).

Its just that I soon will have to make a really big decision in my life. Like I said, everything fascinates me and I am sure whatever internet-related career I choose, I want it to be the best decisions.

I thinking about taking an 'internet media and commerce' course at a university that teaches both the business and development of online businesses, however im stuck for choice.

After looking at what the people at google do at work - I have decided I want to work in an atmosphere like that :-D


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 19, 2003
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nameslave said:
17? LOL! I actually spent more time on girls than even *thinking* about work at all.
And these days you combine the two, er? :-D (Vikkie...)


hotdog_pk said:
After looking at what the people at google do at work - I have decided I want to work in an atmosphere like that :-D

Yeah, I was also inspired by that the guy at the Google party that walked around looking like Jesus. :-D

1. If you are thinking about making it BIG in the domain reseller industry, forget it. That industry was for people who came in when gold was for the picking back in 1990-1995. The time and effort and constantly dealing with cronies who think their lame generic names are worth $3m bucks can be very time wasting and an insult to your intelligence.

2. If you feel inspired by some sale you saw over $1m and thought "gosh, I don't really need to work and can retire at 18", forget it. Lightning kills 1,000 every day around the world. I think its best you sit out in a grade 1 thunderstorm and hold a 10m pure iron rod right up into the sky if you need to be struck by it.

There are other industries you can excel in, give them a try. Serious.


Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
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When I was seventeen, I chose to go to college / university. At the time, the WEB did not exist (but the internet did). I used the internet (and BITNET) extensively. I wish I had learned about domain names at that time. I could have easily been in the millionaire club, but alas, I am here picking up the scraps. Anyway, I received a degree in Chemical Engineering. After about eight years through a series of events, I decided to become self-employed while trying to use domains / programming as my main source of income. Three years later, I am still self-employed. I only have two clients, but they pay well. Working for yourself is awesome. I would not trade it for the world.

One thing I would suggest is to diversify and do not put all your eggs in one basket. Keep your options open and never close a door. You never know what is behind that door. I have done some pretty crappy jobs that have led to golden opportunities.

My income is not derived only from domains and programming. I have a couple of other sources as well. This helps a lot, especially if one of your sources is lacking.



Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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realnames wrote:

DomainKing said that in a post in his forum board several yrs ago (before I was banned by him - LOL (for posting something he did not want to hear - my opinion or facts on a few issues, which differed a lot from his own).

DomainKing imperious, heavy handed, and intolerant?



Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Well, I am 25, I DONT WORK, just buy and sell domains all day and do what I want, you cannot put a price on freedom and freetime, as you only have ONE LIFE to live and it's probably best enjoyed on your own schedule and not punching a timeclock for 8-12 hours daily....If you have the WILL there is a WAY, the domain game has changed and evolved but trust me when I tell you that the best is YET to come....it is different now but the same rules always will apply....BUY LOW - SELL HIGH, works everytime! Domains are only going to go UP in value, so get them while you still can and pawn everything! Sell your MOM, SISTER, CAR, DONATE SPERM! Just get that cash together and make informed buying decisions and you will prosper....like Bill Gates has said on numerous occasions "Domain Names are the fastest appreciating commodity ever know to mankind" He has a point, and you found the right business kid! EVERY GOOD DOMAIN IS A LOTTERY TICKET THATS VALID 365 DAYS A YEAR AND 24/7! Write that down! :)



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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bumping threads that are over a year old is very annoying.
Write that down :)
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