Unless you got $xx,xxx to invest, and are more experienced than you appear to be (premium lllll.coms are not the way to go), you should definitely go back and finish your degree. I stayed in uni and finished off my degree even though I hated every second of it after the first year. I don't even use it in my current job, but the experience and confidence it gave me is enough on its own, and I call upon knowledge I learnt there every day. Being surrounded by enthusiatic academic students is priceless experience in itself.
Whilst you are there, you should spend a lot more time on the forums, READING only. Many people will offer opinions on things, take it all in, but learn to give more weight to the opinions of those who are making a success of it. You should really have spent hours and hour and hours before making your first purchase.
Finally, learn some development skills as this is where you will be able to make money when the time comes.