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-=DTG=- Asks and Answers Questions!

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Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
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I have spent the last 2 weeks since I took over dnforum sitting back and learning. I have learnt a great deal from many of you and I thank you for it.

I have had a great deal of compliments on some of the changes that have taken place here at dnf. But I do realize that there are a number of you that are unhappy with some things. I need to hear from you as well.

I realize I will not be able to please all of you but I will attempt to please the majority. I have no problem having a mature discussion with people that disagree with me on any issue. Please bring forth issues.

I need to know from you if you would prefer to keep this a dealer forum only or have me bring you people that you can sell your domains to retail.

Let me know,



Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
A few suggestions:

1. Bring back the multiple threads per day at the Sales forum. Personally I witnessed a 30% increase in sales while the measure was in effect. It helps boost sales because domains can be itemized. If you have multiple sales on 1 thread many good names go by unnoticed.

2. Lower the post interval to 30 secs instead of 60. Most of us take advantage of fast connections in order to compress time. A post every 60 secs is a disadvantage to this benefit. At least, allow this to members.

3. Glows are slowing down the board; introduce the nice blue we had for a couple of days ago - the board was loading ultra fast - and give DNF back to those that paid for their glows and really care for them.


Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
All good suggestions and we will listen and evaluate them all monday!

Thank You!

keep em coming!



Longtime DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 4, 2002
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Just quick comments on the comments above...

1. Still should be limited in some way. Can't stand browsing many threads of similair names from the same person.

2. Agreed. I'm on a T and hit the 60 second wall often. Just have to hit reload til it takes.

3. As I'm on a T, the forum seems extremely fast to me. I'm not sure if you mean the "Glows" are slowing the server, or increasing the size of the pages. But I, for one, see no slowness in the server and think the glows are neat-o.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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I am with stuff:

PLEASE change to 30 seconds (becomes anoying when you have to refresh just to post)

AND PLEASE remove the "1 post per day" in the for sale forum! The platinums should be able to post how much they want to (withing reason). It benefits everyone!


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 25, 2002
Reaction score
Please give unregistered visitors permission to view the for sale forum.


Originally posted by icehole

I am with stuff:

PLEASE change to 30 seconds (becomes anoying when you have to refresh just to post)

Agree as well and has been changed to 30. ;)


Longtime DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 4, 2002
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Please give unregistered visitors permission to view the for sale forum

Agreed. That benefits the people who pay for accounts so they can sell their names. ;-)


Longtime DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 4, 2002
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extended; maybe consider having 2 sale forums.

one with specials for DN members only. one open to the public.



Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by timechange.com
A few suggestions:

1. Bring back the multiple threads per day at the Sales forum. Personally I witnessed a 30% increase in sales while the measure was in effect. It helps boost sales because domains can be itemized. If you have multiple sales on 1 thread many good names go by unnoticed.
What tends to happen though is that certain members post eight sales threads, and the whole thing becomes a bump-fest. Maybe increase the limit to 3 posts per day, and introduce a rule that if you sell a domain in one thread, you can create a new one.
2. Lower the post interval to 30 secs instead of 60. Most of us take advantage of fast connections in order to compress time. A post every 60 secs is a disadvantage to this benefit. At least, allow this to members.
Agreed. Although sometimes we should probably spend a minute considering what we're about to post :D
3. Glows are slowing down the board; introduce the nice blue we had for a couple of days ago - the board was loading ultra fast - and give DNF back to those that paid for their glows and really care for them.
Yeah, I liked the blue :)

I also agree that non-members should be able to view the sales forum. 260 members is a too small a market.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 28, 2002
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I agree with the sale thread...and yes, it should be limited but not to just one.....how about 3, like Beachie suggested....

I also agree with the non registered people being able to veiw the sales thread. They should only be allowed to email the member selling the domain name....or something in that way, just some way to get a hold of the member selling the name.

Are the members that are registered but not a gold and/or platinum memebers able to view the sales thread? If not, I think they should be able too, and able to PM the member selling the name.....


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 9, 2003
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DCG, I think you have already implemented perhaps the most important improvement- A forum where you are willing to listen to the voices of the (theoretically) valuable membership.

As you may have noticed, their frustration and ire rise quite quickly when they feel they are being ignored. This should be taken as a good sign, in that there is a fairly strong sense of "ownership" about this board.

Second Suggestion:- Follow through and seriously consider the criticisms and suggestions made here. Don't let this thread simply become a "whine festival". I have found these people to be an amazingly creative group, and there is some real gold to be mined there! A good example is- MANY complaints about the animated ads on the homepage. For myself, I disable animation, so at least they don't look like the Vegas strip or the circus.

Final suggestion- I often notice people trying very hard to find out what is happening on DNF. I am referring to "macro events". If you do not diseminate information, people will speculate and generate rumors. You have a member Email available to you. Why not USE it to keep the membership informed about developments! Maybe a daily or weekly "DNF Gazzette".

A prime example of this is how poorly the communication about the sale and transfer of DNF was handled. High anxiety, dozens of threads and mountains of speculation about what was happening. All could have been solved with greatly improved communication. Big changes are much easier to roll with when they are expected, and the more informed those affected by the change are.

College professors say "I'm gonna tell you what I'm about to teach you, then I'm gonna teach you, then I'm gonna tell you what I just taught you!"

Otherwise, things seem to be going pretty well! I think most here respect your success and appreciate your efforts to make DNF a better and more successful place! There's bound to be a few bumps in the road.

Best Regards,


Originally posted by DotComGod
I need to know from you if you would prefer to keep this a dealer forum only or have me bring you people that you can sell your domains to retail.

How do you intend to do this? I would imagine that the big buyers know this place by now. Not all transactions are done via what's visible.

Are we looking at a Sunday Bazaar for the common folks to rummage around? Who will provide that fresh new kind of traffic?


Originally posted by Beachie
I also agree that non-members should be able to view the sales forum. 260 members is a too small a market. [/B]

Currently all 1900+ members can view the forums in the Advertising, now Platinum, Section as well as use the email function to contact sellers. The only execption in there is the expiring domain forum, that is not available to silver members and, of course, the private platinum area.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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Originally posted by nhlrat

Currently all 1900+ members can view the forums in the Advertising, now Platinum, Section as well as use the email function to contact sellers. The only execption in there is the expiring domain forum, that is not available to silver members and, of course, the private platinum area.

I think they mean guests.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
I don't really see how the glow would affect the time it takes to download a page. Maybe if your on 28.8 or something.

I remember watching people post like 5-15 threads in the dn forsale forum each day. That sort of thing shouldn't be allowed. That is why we have the rules we see today. 3 a day might be good, but I don't see what the problem is with posting your domains all in one thread. Just put them in your subject, so people don't miss them. The more threads everyone makes, the more bumping that will occur. In no time, your posts will be 3-5 pages deep.



Well, since this community consists of 1900 members, I guess it's quite ready to be taken to the "next level" from a typical "forum".

Adam, take time, sit with your designers, I guess you can make one of the most revolutional online places from this forum.

For example:
1) Take out "Domains For Sale" thread and make something like a small ebay, a simple script will do the job.

2) Instead of asking many questions in many different threads, it may be good to create a section where will be located all the pools.

3) More services ! You got a marketplace of 1900 folks! Since you wanted to buy a registry you may consider implementng such a service as "domain security"... say we ttransfer our domains to your registry and it will have a high level of security + the fact that you own 60 000 domains, your registrar cost for your domains will save you lots on the renewal fees, so the progect will be profitable anyway.
Domain security is another REVOLUTIONAL business itself. No one has a better chance in successfully inmplementing it then you, with your domains and already existing customer base of 1900 users

4) Graphic design galery (and may be store), where designers can upload their templates/logo/works and sell them.... from 1900 users there are definitely at least 300 designers, plus the forum will attract other designers and not onle dn folks.



7) As to the management, I guess we need mods here who are not involved in the dn business - not dn people. Just a common folks who know what's palite and what's not.

It may sound unrealistic or may be too optemistic... but I'm sure it can be done if needed. Domain bisiness itself is not an ordinary thing, so why would anyone want to apply any ordinary rools to it....


Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2002
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Originally posted by _Yakov_



7) As to the management, I guess we need mods here who are not involved in the dn business - not dn people. Just a common folks who know what's palite and what's not.

I'm confused by 5, 6, and 7 :laugh:


I almost forgot to mention the most importan thing that I needed to begin with:

1) Hope to get a fair piece of pie when my idea is successfully implemented ;)


DNF Regular
Jun 13, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DotComGod
I need to know from you if you would prefer to keep this a dealer forum only or have me bring you people that you can sell your domains to retail.

Of course - that would be anybody here's ideal - but what is going to change in the DNForum to make that happen?

Hopefully not leaning towards adult stuff which has been an obvious leaning by the proprietor to date. Make your mark on the world in a cleaner, positive way.
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