As Theo mentioned, it all comes down to the integrity of the seller. The majority of them, including myself, follow thru with the sale no matter the price. I have sold names from $1 on up to several thousand dollars on eBay without an issue. Paypal sucks when it comes to disputing the charges.
What is funny, but just shows the type of seller I was dealing with is he stated he would refund my payment and never did. I hope he doesn't run his business the same way as he conducted his business online otherwise people need to beware.
Like I said, it was a small amount, so an FYI post here was my intention. If I received a refund great, but I was not holding my breath for it. What I don't understand is, don't these sellers know that word of mouth of the transaction spreads like wildfire. Anyways, I wanted to update the post with the outcome so others know what type of seller this is and hopefully with enough complaints from buyers can get this seller banned from eBay and Paypal, so no one can get ripped off in the future for a larger amount of money.
I was lucky enough to have bought on eBay
Very cool. Usually you can get great deals on eBay. You just have to weed thru the junk names that are listed for millions of dollars. :lol: