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eCorp.com, anyone know anything?

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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Well I have had contact with them here and there. One email concerning a domain I liked stated it was not for sale, next said offers only over $5000 as that is all they deal with etc. They have some on sedo/afternic for sale that when contacted they deny. In my opinion they want top dollar and are too big for the right hand to know what the left is doing. That or poorly managed. jmo


Level 9
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Mar 19, 2003
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TheLegendaryJP said:
...... They have some on sedo/afternic for sale that when contacted they deny. In my opinion they want top dollar and are too big for the right hand to know what the left is doing. That or poorly managed.

They have a number of excellent domains. And, they make enough ppc income that
they don't need to sell a domain cheaply.

Pay the market value or don't buy it.

And, I'm sure since they are extremely successful that they are poorly managed.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 27, 2002
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Uh, he is very successful and doesn't need to sell any domain. He has one of the best portfolios as far as quality, I would say in top 25 in the world. Like DSL.com for one. Almost 10,000 domains.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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actnow said:
They have a number of excellent domains.

"They" is of course "he". He has like three good names, and about thousands of regular fee names. Let's not romanticize too much here.

actnow said:
And, they make enough ppc income

How do you know? Do you often check his "books"?

actnow said:
Pay the market value

What's the "market value" exactly?

actnow said:
And, I'm sure since they are extremely successful

Define "extreme success"?

actnow said:
And, I'm sure since they are extremely successfu that they are poorly managed.:-D

Just because someone is "successful" it doesn't mean he or she can't be better "managed" or be more successful.

As you can see below in the public media record the individual behind "eCorp" is indeed a poor manager, not to mention a terrible detective keen on idol worship and cross-country time wasting.

"...Chad Folkening, a domainer in Indianapolis, was disorganized in those years and sometimes missed renewal deadlines. He noticed that Yun Ye was grabbing his expired names with lightning speed. After Ye had snapped up 100 of them, Folkening decided he needed to talk to Ye. "I was eating, sleeping, and drinking Yun Ye," he says. E-mail drew no response. Nor did phone calls. So in late 2001, Folkening traveled to an address near San Jose listed on Ye's domain registrations. "I figured I was going to walk up to his front door, knock, and say, 'Yun Ye, I just had to meet you,'" says Folkening, who now owns 7,000 names. Instead, the address led him to a Mail Boxes Etc. outlet. Folkening stuck Post-It notes on Ye's box asking him to call. Ye sent Folkening an e-mail a couple of days later, but the two never met up. Two years later, some acquaintances of Folkening's set up a get-together with Ye in a Los Angeles bar. "I did most of the talking, then he left," Folkening recalls. It wasn't until the next day that it dawned on Folkening that the man he'd had drinks with was probably an entirely different Yun Ye, which the real Ye confirmed to him in an e-mail..."



Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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I just know their vocemail box is always full :-(


Old school
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2002
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guys, if you're trying to buy primo names you better be ready to spend primo bucks. let's be honest here, if the guy has been holding on to some killers since 96 and you KNOW he's active in the domain business then you can't possibly expect him to sell his domains for what a reseller is willing to pay.


Level 9
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Jul 12, 2005
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actnow said:
They have a number of excellent domains. And, they make enough ppc income that
they don't need to sell a domain cheaply.

Pay the market value or don't buy it.

And, I'm sure since they are extremely successful that they are poorly managed.

If they do not need to sale, why market them for sale than deny they are?

Marlket value...lol You have no clue what I offered on a given name so you are a little quick to judge. It was a LL org that I offered above ( imo ) market value for, and trust me I have come to know LL value...lol

I said : " That or poorly managed " If they are not poorly managed than they have to have better communication with the hands on people. I inquired about the same name twice and received a " not for sale " and " $XXXX " reply as well from two different people.

I do not doubt " his " portfolio's strength, my statement was merely an observation based on my experience.

you can't possibly expect him to sell his domains for what a reseller is willing to pay.

No prices were mentioned and no one mentioned getting low prices, your reply is mind boggling.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 27, 2002
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Poor manager? I beg to differ. We all were somewhat poor managers back then and it was mainly due to lack of sleep. It was a different time. Ecorp might as well have been called eDude whose really tired from staying up all might chasing domains. SHit, I only have 500 names and I cant tell you the amount of sleep I missed. Many of us have let names drop, and check them shortly thereafter to see whos doing what. Ult got several of mine too, that werent worth anything. Ult would literally grab anything at one point, and let some of them drop a year later. Guess he was a bad manager too.

"he has like three good names" !!!! Gimme a break sasquatch. Envy will get you nowhere. How about

GameCast.com, dsl.com, FashionDesign.com, iMobile.com, MediaServices.com, homework.org, SearchNet.com, HandyMan.com, 3D.org, 3DServer.com, Accessories.net. Applications.com,WebTracker.com, WirelessNetworks.com, ApplyOnline.com,ArtCollections.com,AuctionLink.com, AudioCast.com, Automatically.com,BannerCentral.com,BargainCenter.com,

thats out of the first 550 names I looked at.

The "market value" is the price somebody is willing to pay for a name if the seller is willing to sell it for that amount, and vice versa. If he wants to ask 5k or 50 k that his value, you might differ, and when you reach common ground, or somebody else, that would be the market value I guess. Went up apparently 250% PLUS last year according to recent dnjournal figures. So last years $5000 name might be worth $17,500 this year.

eCorp has plenty of high quality names. I would guess he did quite well over the years with just dsl.com.

oh, I forgot, He also owns HostingServices.com, JobGuide.com, WirelessPhones.com, NetworkSecurity.com, DomainRegistration.com.

Yea, He was wasting a lot of time trying to learn from the Jedi Master. Sasquatch, like your existence, what you say is a myth.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Luc said:
guys, if you're trying to buy primo names you better be ready to spend primo bucks. let's be honest here, if the guy has been holding on to some killers since 96...

How come nobody is buying these primo names from him? They might have been "killers" in '96, but most of them are duds today since what's perceived as "in" changes with time.


Old school
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2002
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sasquatch said:
How come nobody is buying these primo names from him? They might have been "killers" in '96, but most of them are duds today since what's perceived as "inn" changes with time.

sasquatch, don't tell me that DSL.com isn't a primo name. it was in 96 is and it's even more so today.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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NexSite said:
GameCast.com, dsl.com, FashionDesign.com, iMobile.com, MediaServices.com, homework.org, SearchNet.com, HandyMan.com, 3D.org, 3DServer.com, Accessories.net. Applications.com,WebTracker.com, WirelessNetworks.com, ApplyOnline.com,ArtCollections.com,AuctionLink.com, AudioCast.com, Automatically.com,BannerCentral.com,BargainCenter.com,

thats out of the first 550 names I looked at.

You like only about 20 out of first 550 you looked at? I don't think that's such a great % to be honest with you. And most of these are the kinds of "specialized", niche names that don't get much natural traffic.

NexSite said:
The "market value" is the price somebody is willing to pay for a name if the seller is willing to sell it for that amount, and vice versa. If he wants to ask 5k or 50 k that his value, you might differ, and when you reach common ground, or somebody else, that would be the market value I guess.

Since we are assuming he expects "market value" for his domains, and since we know for a fact that he is still holding these names is it safe to assume that he obviously can't sell these names for their "market value" since nobody is buying them form him? (I guess he is stuck in a timewrap with them). Enough said.

I am not envious at all, but one thing I can't stand is baseless, unrealistic worshipping in this "industry". If you gonna worship somebody worship someone who makes millions per year with regular fee domains registered two years ago, not someone who is innept enough and misses the opportunity to sell Dsl.com when the time was right, or someone who is holding onto WebTracker.com since '97.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2003
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sasquatch said:
How come nobody is buying these primo names from him? They might have been "killers" in '96, but most of them are duds today since what's perceived as "in" changes with time.
do any of your names compared to their so called duds?

I know mine don't :p

dsl.com, domainregistration.com, illegal.com, wirelessnetworks.com, etc.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Luc said:
sasquatch, don't tell me that DSL.com isn't a primo name.

I said he's got about three "primo" names. No arguments there.

NameTower said:
do any of your names compared to their so called duds?

I'm just the voice of reason in the sea of insanity in these waters. It seems you can't reason against my arguments, so you pull that childish question above.

It's not about me and my dick, it's not even about "him" (him not "them"), it's about hype and spin. His names don't have much traffic. And since he obviously can't sell them for their "market value" - then my question is what's so special about him? You know I want someone to convince me with sound facts, not with "domainers hot air".


Old school
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2002
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NameTower said:
do any of your names compared to their so called duds?

EXACTLY. sasquash. overall i liked your posts in other threads, but one thing i noticed in this thread is that you're a hater, and you just can't admit when you're wrong.

you absolutely can't stand anyone who is more successful than you, and it's apparent that just because this guy didn't want to sell you his domains you have some grudge against him. of COURSE he won't sell to some domain reseller lowballing him, he can make $1 mil plus on DSL.com alone if the right buyer comes along, why the hell would he want to sell it to someone for anything less than that?

ok. so even if by your book he has only 3 primo domains (which i disagree with), they're still worth in the $x,xxx,xxx range which pretty much means he doesn't have to give a rats ass about some lowball offers or what you think about them.


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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NexSite said:
Went up apparently 250% PLUS last year according to recent dnjournal figures. So last years $5000 name might be worth $17,500 this year.

"Apparently" seems to be the keyword here. Something "appearing" as if real. Spare me that "industry hype" talk, just because someone decides to waste a million bucks on a single domain, or wastes 10,000 on a regfee drop, it doesn't change the fact that 99% of names in existence are worth less than 300 bucks on an end user market.

NexSite said:
Went up apparently 250% PLUS last year according to recent dnjournal figures.

And are you saying your portfolio is worth 250% PLUS more since last year? Are you saying that you are making $250% PLUS in sales than you did last year? Unless you are saying exactly that everything else is bullshit, which some of you have a hard time differentiating (intentionally or not) from reality.

Luc said:
EXACTLY. sasquash. overall i liked your posts in other threads, but one thing i noticed in this thread is that you're a hater, and you just can't admit when you're wrong.

Don't worry Luc, I don't expect people to actually take time and undersand some of my posts.

Just because I use straight talk without ass kissing and sugar coating it doesn't mean I'm a hater. Why in the hell would I hate somebody who goes about his life and hasn't done anything to me??? Again this is not about him, but about the "lies and whispers" existing in these circles.

Luc said:
you absolutely can't stand anyone who is more successful than you,

Another childish comment from argumentless arguers. If that was true I would have have to hate most of humanity, which simply ain't so. For example I'm a loving husband, and a father (and I even have a cat), I plegde my money to various good causes, heck I even buy cookies from Girl Scouts standing in front of grocery stores. :-D

Luc said:
and it's apparent that just because this guy didn't want to sell you his domains you have some grudge against him.

It is apparent isn't it? That's why I started this thread.

Luc said:
he doesn't have to give a rats ass about some lowball offers or what you think about them.



Old school
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2002
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It's a good thing you double posted everything in case I missed it the first time. lol.

You're right, you don't sugar coat, but you're hardheaded as hell too. Thank god for opinions :)


Telling it like it is
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Luc said:
You're right, you don't sugar coat, but you're hardheaded as hell too.

I might be "hardheaded", but I'm not unreasonable. I'm "hardheaded", but only when I'm encountered and countered with "hot air". Again give me verifiable facts and I will "sing your tune", give me "hot air" and I will read between your agenda driven lines.

And I'm "hardheaded" mostly because I feel there's a need for more objective and realistic reporting and assesement of the "industry" than it currently exists. Finally and unfortunatelly this isn't limited to this industry, but to the whole media and marketing message driven American society we live in, where there's everything else, but truth. The ultimate paradox of that, as just one random exampe, is ay... Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone" which is in fact the biggest "spin" show on TV.
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