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Dec 26, 2015
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Easy online money making has never been simpler than when you use a customized email list built specifically for that purpose. An email lists for sale is a large body of names and email addresses that you collect via a website, "squeeze page," or by using social networking techniques. You can also use various types of software, called auto responders, to manage and contact your email list without getting stuck in spam filters or junk folders. Once you establish credibility with your list members, they will be more likely to buy products from you and other sellers that you endorse. In order to persuade someone to give you their email address, you must provide something of value to them. Generally, this incentive takes the form of a free "gift" that has legitimate value. Many list owners give new members free educational training (via email, of course) or send a free ebook that can only be downloaded once a person has entered their email address. Once a list member is on your list, in order to use your email list for easy online money making, you must take steps to insure that they will regularly open and read your emails. Fortunately, this is not difficult to accomplish. You just need to provide regular correspondence and solid email content. For example, if you wish to sell your list one product a week, then you also need to send them at least two emails that are not promotional in nature that have interesting and useful information about topics that you know your list members are interested in. These educational emails can lead up to a sale, but they should not be blatantly promotional in nature.
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