Had my first and only end user sale to date back in 2006, when I was 17 -- for $200,000. Not bad, eh?
It was to a publishing company, and they contacted me.
Here is the exact e-mail I received from them, with the exception of the domain name being left out:
"Our client is a publishing company. Inadvertently, the [.com] domain
name was used in one of their publications as a hypothetical domain name.
They need either to acquire the domain name so that any customer visiting
the site will not be exposed to its current content, or to fix/recall the
inventory of this book. The cost of the latter is a bit less than $200,000.
In order the solve the problem with less headache, our client is prepared to
pay you $200,000 within one week of your acceptance of this offer. However,
we must have an answer by Monday, July 31st, because that is the deadline
for launching the inventory fix."
At the time I had adult content on the domain. It was actually a funny flash video of two males having anal sex to do wop music.
Honestly, at first I didn't know what to believe. I thought it was some kind of scam. Also, in the back of my mind I knew I was 17 and couldn't sign a contract and was worried about my mother finding out about the domain content. She wouldn't have been mad, but it just would have been embarrassing, you know?
Anyway, I had my mom call the company's attorney that was going to handle the escrow to find out the details, to make sure it was legit. She just said she was the co-owner of the domain (but really the domain was mine). Other than that, everything else was done by e-mail. Thankfully they made no mention of the content and she never found out.
Gay porn pays! I'm crossing my fingers for another six figure sale one day, but I'm a little more hesitant now about putting adult content on nicer domains out of fear of having the domain taken away. Back then I just wanted to have fun.
Oh, and for the record I bought the domain almost a year prior to the sale for $9,000. I cashed in all my savings bonds to buy it (thanks to my mom, she gave me about 5k when we sold our house to put into a bond... and then when I got the 200k I gave her 25k for a down payment for our new house!)