Together said:How you could possibly say it is not the registrars fault? Does not the fact that they charge $160 for something they pay $6 offend your sense of justice? If it's not their fault, whos is it? The poor unwitting registrant who was out of town for a few months or whos spam filter caught the renewal notifications? It seems to me that most people here are domain name specialists instead average Joe who doesn't understand how this whole system works and that the registrar (eNom in this case) is more concerned with the dollar they can extract from them instead of giving good resellers who actually care and empathize with their customers the opportunity to cut them a break.
You fail to understand (or acknowledge) a few things:
1. The registrar has already given 30 days grace period before the $160 redemption period begins.
2. As best I can tell, eNom sends out three renewal notices in the last 30 days before expiration
3. eNom provides an easy auto-renewal system for those prone to forgetfulness
4. Other registrars (Network Solutions, Godaddy) will sell your domain to the highest bidder before it reaches RGP. Which would you rather do -- pay $160 to renew, or pay someone else $x,xxx to buy back your valuable domain?
Also, FWIW, making a profit does not "offend my sense of justice". This is called profit. It is essential to capitalism. Also keep in mind that it wasn't too long ago that domains cost $100 to register -- so $160 is really not all that high in the grand scheme. If Network Solutions / Verisign was still in monopolistic control of the .com registry, no doubt we'd still see prices like this -- not $6.95 per domain, that's for sure.