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European TLD successfuly launched today!!!

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Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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DomeBase said:
Wow. Reading this thread is like bad deja vu.

How many of you remember the abuse of the .INFO Sunrise Period by trademark squatters?

The registry said that the problem was minimal. Then I did this study -- suggesting 15-25% of Sunrise Trademark applications were bogus. Eventually, the percentage turned out to be at least that high -- even higher for prime generics.

Have the powers at be learned nothing in five years? Or perhaps it is not a matter of knowledge, but a matter of power and interest and who benefits and who loses.

Bad memories.

Eurid are only interested in due process. They formulate a policy, get it approved and then implement it. At the end of the day whatever they do will be wrong and someone will always outsmart the system. That is life! Some of the Scammers, however, will get their fingers severely burnt, because you can go to an awful lot of expense and still end up with nothing.

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


Level 6
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Oct 25, 2004
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dwrixon said:
No, I think Freddy is on the money here. ..........
Dave Wrixon

why do you say this? I am mostly during my privat time here to discuss with the people. for sure it brings also benefit to the company. But it sound very bad in the way you wrote it, or did I missunderstood something?



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 8, 2003
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Okay, it is time for me now to clarify some things.
As someone said, this .eu is already becoming a BIG scam.

I guess i was one of the first to wonder, how people can have TM on Sex, Travel or Hotels?
Actually, nobody owns such Trademarks. I said NOBODY.
You'll ask then how this is possible to have more than 220 potential registrants on ?
This was the game of the registrars.
I got Eurid representant today on phone. As many of us, i "reserved" several common names to my legal registrar ( But as long as it was requested to have TM's to be eligible for the Sunrise I, i didn't hurry too much to pay more than 200€ per name to be in a priority list. I just thought, maybe time to wait Sunrise II.
What a big mistake!!!
In fact, we already know the owner of all these precious domain names.
Who are they?
Simply those at the top of each list!
Because until 16th of january, Eurid will waiting to receive official documents, like TM, to determine the new owner of each name. As said, nobody has trademark on Sex or Travel or Hotel.... So the list will remain like this and Sunrise II will begin. New potential registrants will apply... Like those who have a particular interrest into or But as long as nobody will have the legal documents to proove that they MUST own, the list will remain until 7th April. Public release. As it was stated everywhere, the rule "First come, First served" will apply. But into the list of already recorded registrants! Which is meaning, the first one already listed will get the name by default.... from the others to present legal documents....
I had it really bad to hear this.
What i got harder in the face was:
"Only the registration fee, which is, i guess, €25 will be refunded. The €200 won't."
Ahahahahah, just make me laugh... go ahead guys, it will be really creative to have .eu market only composed of "Domain name for sale" websites :D
What make me more laugh is, Netherland and France, who both rejected the EU consititution, are the first countries to invest into this market :D
To be continued...

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Freddy@EuroDNS said:
why do you say this? I am mostly during my privat time here to discuss with the people. for sure it brings also benefit to the company. But it sound very bad in the way you wrote it, or did I missunderstood something?


Yes, you did misunderstand. It is a colloquial expression which means that you are absolutely correct!

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 25, 2004
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sorry for missunderstanding, was a hard .eu week!

sorry to destroy your dreams!
sex as trademark exist, I found 1 within 1 minute. You want to see more?
it is an official german word trademark!
here the link:
I am not a TM Lawyer, but it looks like that it is a TM for:
Hand-operated cosmetic implements and parts therefor, in particular scissors, tweezers and files. or Indoor aquariums and covers for indoor aquariums. Toothbrushes, toothpicks, dental floss.
Crazy world isn´t it? ;-)


Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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The funniest is that he probably doesn't know what he has got. Unless someone tells him he would probably just carry on messing around with his fish tanks! Perhaps, the poor bugger deserves it! On the other hand early retirement might ruin his life!

Anyway on the IDN front I think I have got the dread word in Punjabi and Telugu: ਕਾਮ sex జాతి sex

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
May 27, 2002
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eurid have no excuse for ruining the .eu launch.

It wasn't difficult to outsmart their system because they made no effort whatever to deter sunrise cheats, even though they were warned that bogus trademarks were being lined up by the thousand.

All they needed to do was set a deadline to rule out late trademark registrations. That would have stopped nearly all the cheating.

Or if they wanted to give some leeway to genuine companies, they could have allowed the registration of last-minute trademarks, but a maximum of one or two per company.

Or they could simply have asked the companies with last-minute trademarks to provide some evidence of having a legitimate reason for that trademark.
People might still have fabricated evidence to get the best domains like, but just by making the job a bit harder for the cheats they could have cut out 90%+ of bogus applications.


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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I told you guys right from the start how this was gonna go, and suggested you go to Botswannaland and get yourself one of dem cheapo trademarks they hand out.

Really though, the registry and the registrars knew exactly what they were doing here and exactly how the sunrise was going to be rigged. They allowed the manipulation and intended to profit from it off the backs of all the loser Domainers. They could have set rules to prevent it, but it wouldn't be in their "interest". Don't buy the "workaround" is ok baloney. When it comes down to it, domainers are just the masses being used by ICANN, the registries, the registrars, the drop catchers etc etc. They could give a damn about you other than how to take money from you.

We are a bunch of consumers with no voice, nor industry representation or protection.

Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Stocdoctor said:
I told you guys right from the start how this was gonna go, and suggested you go to Botswannaland and get yourself one of dem cheapo trademarks they hand out.

Really though, the registry and the registrars knew exactly what they were doing here and exactly how the sunrise was going to be rigged. They allowed the manipulation and intended to profit from it off the backs of all the loser Domainers. They could have set rules to prevent it, but it wouldn't be in their "interest". Don't buy the "workaround" is ok baloney. When it comes down to it, domainers are just the masses being used by ICANN, the registries, the registrars, the drop catchers etc etc. They could give a damn about you other than how to take money from you.

We are a bunch of consumers with no voice, nor industry representation or protection.

Your absolutely right of course, but that is the lot of the speculator. Everybody hates you. I mean be honest, we buy domains we generally sell for excessive profit, I know I am not really happy unless I make about 10 or 20 times what I paid for it. Where is the ethics in that? What value do we really add? probably none!

Win some, you loose some. Weighing up this system is all part of the risk. I think I will end up loosing money on dot eu, but not too much. Its all a learning experience. Pick yourself up, shake yourself down, pick some lessons from the bones and move on!

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon


Mr Domeen
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 30, 2002
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Freddy@EuroDNS said:
whats your problem. This is nothing new. I posted this legal workarrounds a couple of times here.

sorry about my last post.
I thought You where wrong, but looks like You are right.


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 25, 2004
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mole said:
I don't believe you are saying this Freddy@eurodns. This thread link will be submitted to Eurid.

Hi Mole,
I have no problem if you send something to EURid, I am regular with them on the phone.

1. perhaps you want to say me why you want to do this?
2. Can you tell me why you publish here my email address?



Freddy@EuroDNS said:
1. perhaps you want to say me why you want to do this?
2. Can you tell me why you publish here my email address?

1. Because it is apparent you support fake tms so that you can make extra money submitting them.
2. Since when was an email address format freddy@eurodns? Does in work in your country? What plug-in do you use, besides fake tm ones?


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 25, 2004
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mole said:
1. Because it is apparent you support fake tms so that you can make extra money submitting them.
2. Since when was an email address format freddy@eurodns? Does in work in your country? What plug-in do you use, besides fake tm ones?

1. We are in no way for the moment in TM Business.
  • Fake Trademarks we call TM that are setup to get a specific Domain
  • every one arround the world can get one and be a part of this game
  • if someone orders in sunrise 1, should I quit the order of the customer?

2. You posted my Username incl. ".com", it took exact 30 minutes before I got the first spam, this address was 6 month without spam. It was a very private address. In our country we respect privacy.



1. No, but you shouldn't condone fake TMs publicly as a Eurid registered registrar. What you do in your very private is your business. Shame on you.

2. Yes you are right. I have edited out the .com my mistake. I didn't realise it was your very private address, since your nick is shouting it out loud.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I just read thru this whole thing...and you know's a damn shame...there is no more open "opportunity" in these new extensions like .eu, it's all very well planned and structured so the big domains goto the big bank's a monopoly and everyone is in bed with each's bullsh*t and there won't EVER be a .eu "landrush"...that sucks and thats why I'm sticking with .com


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 25, 2004
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I got from here a lot of questions about the sunrise 2, because some people understood that UK registered LTD Companies can not apply in Sunrise 2.

I have taken time to restudy the official EURid '.EU' Sunrise Rules, and the specific Annex 1 which defines the documentary evidence to be provided, and can see no reason why a UK LTD company would not qualify for Sunrise 2

We had of course already studied these documents in detail before, which I have just done again - hence the delay in reacting.


Section 11 of the '.eu Sunrise Rules' defines a Prior Right as a right held by applicant no later then the date when the application is received by the Registry.

Sunrise Rules Section 16 defines the term 'Company Name' as the name under which the company is incorporated or under which the company is registered.

The same section, point 4 defines the evidence required as i) an extract from the relevant companies or commercial register - the other two requirements in this section are 'or' and not 'and'.

Annex 1, page 31 describes the required documents for the UK, and refers specifically to the Section 16 reference above.

For me this is all quite clear.

Many thanks for raising this query - it made me re-study the rules again!

Have a good weekend - let me know if you have any questions of further doubts.



Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Dotnames, please fix your signature image!


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Freddy@EuroDNS said:
I got from here a lot of questions about the sunrise 2, because some people understood that UK registered LTD Companies can not apply in Sunrise 2.

I have taken time to restudy the official EURid '.EU' Sunrise Rules, and the specific Annex 1 which defines the documentary evidence to be provided, and can see no reason why a UK LTD company would not qualify for Sunrise 2

We had of course already studied these documents in detail before, which I have just done again - hence the delay in reacting.


Section 11 of the '.eu Sunrise Rules' defines a Prior Right as a right held by applicant no later then the date when the application is received by the Registry.

Sunrise Rules Section 16 defines the term 'Company Name' as the name under which the company is incorporated or under which the company is registered.

The same section, point 4 defines the evidence required as i) an extract from the relevant companies or commercial register - the other two requirements in this section are 'or' and not 'and'.

Annex 1, page 31 describes the required documents for the UK, and refers specifically to the Section 16 reference above.

For me this is all quite clear.

Many thanks for raising this query - it made me re-study the rules again!

Have a good weekend - let me know if you have any questions of further doubts.

Well if you let everyone start registering .eu domains as soon as the land rush began(and not just tm holders) more people would be on EurID's side. Also it seems alot of ppl from these domain forums have now given up on .eu so in the long run you guys will have less business as it is known that some domainers buy 100's or 1000's of domains(if this becomes the next .com). The reason is that they feel that the .eu regulations have been unjust and not fair for all.


Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 25, 2004
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Jeff, the landrush will be april 2006. We are right now in Sunrise, this are not my rules, this are the rules of the european commisssion and eurid.
In April it will be possible for all European ppl and companies to order .eu´s.
The .eu was setup for european, it was never planed that every one arround the globe has the same chance. (sorry for that)
It will nothing change if some people think to not order .eu´s.
800 accredited Registrars and 100k Orders on the first day will do the job.


Rubber Duck

Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Jeff said:
Well if you let everyone start registering .eu domains as soon as the land rush began(and not just tm holders) more people would be on EurID's side. Also it seems alot of ppl from these domain forums have now given up on .eu so in the long run you guys will have less business as it is known that some domainers buy 100's or 1000's of domains(if this becomes the next .com). The reason is that they feel that the .eu regulations have been unjust and not fair for all.

Just because you are frustrated, it doesn't make you right. Eurid have a responsibility to protect Trademark holder's, but they are not responsible for the Trade Mark System, which in some countries is probably failure weak.

The problem is there is no reason a Generic cannot be Trademarked as long as the Trademark does not apply to the generic sense of the term. The whole thing is a minefield.

I personlly think the best way to handle future landrushes would be to have a Sunrise Auction. Crude but fair!

Best Regards
Dave Wrixon
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