No, gay capital of the world would be Miami, FL..or Los Angeles, Ca
Thats just a yanks view.. America the centre of the Universe?
Thats just a yanks view.. America the centre of the Universe?
I'm from Zumundu btw...if you were wondering.
yeah.."yank" my pistol out and whip someone silly with it!k:
I'm from Zumundu btw...if you were wondering.
yeah.."yank" my pistol out and whip someone with it!k:
Raratonga isn't in australia btw nor I am from either place!
Is yank not rhyming slang?
someone post more cool pictures
(and not of more old hairy guys posing with women he could never really get who just took the pictures because they were told to do so all night by their agent) hehe
part....sorry but I think the "out of the closet" comment is wishful thinking on your part bro! heheh enot of more old hairy guys
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