How much is the reg fee? My main problem with tv, beyond its limited application (I do believe there are some good names with it - I just dont buy the whole new multimedia experience bs with it - its television - the new exeprience will probably not be television, it will probably be called the computer or something else, not to mention .tv sounds plain awkward on the computer/ internet medium) is the pricing. They were pricing like out of their mind .com speculators!
Its like hard enough for people to be able to choose their speculations and then you have an extension speculating on it themselves? Many of the names, many of them tv irrelevant, you would have to resell for a small fortune to make a profit. And then it is expensive for the new owners...
If the pricing is fixed for all names, meaning the same price for any name and no annual increases, then I think .tv is worth a little more - but still very limited.