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File a ChargeBack agaisnt Pool.ca ??

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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Anyone ever file a chargeback against pool.com (TYPE IN THE TITLE I MEANT DOT COM)

I am so mad at pool! I will never use there service again!

I won a couple of names from pool in auction, they took my money but say this:

Your registrar for XXX.ca is: Jaz Domain Names Ltd.
Your registrar for XX.ca is: Zidodomain.ca Inc.

During the first 30 days of registration you will have to email any needed
DNS changes to us so we can submit them to the registry for you.

This is crap. I have never got a name where I have to wait 30 days to have access to it!

I have a buyer for both names.

I called them and customer support was useless!

I am calling mastercard to file a chargeback against the charge. They can keep the names!
Domain Days 2024


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 4, 2005
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A chargeback is done when payment is completed and the goods/service you paid for are not provided.

Making a chargeback just because you have to email changes rather than use a control panel would be irresponsible and possibly bordering on fraudulent claims.

There are many so-called providers out there that severly limit what you can do with your own domains. But they are still yours so the product has been "delivered".


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Making a chargeback just because you have to email changes rather than use a control panel would be irresponsible and possibly bordering on fraudulent claims.

The above statement is BS. Have you ever tried emailing pool , they dont respond. I dont mind having to wait so many days to transfer it but in the meantime I want control of it. Emailing them for a dns change is just plain stupid!

Right in the terms it says this:
You may modify the nameserver information and discontinue use of the coming soon page for any particular domain at any time, with or without notice to us, by logging into your registrar account and making such changes.

and below is the email they sent me:

Attention new customers! Within the next 24 to 48 hours you will receive an
email from the registrar responsible for registering your domain(s). This
email will provide instructions on how to manage your domain(s) within their


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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You need to understand that there are pecularities with .ca. Assume they won't move or change owner before one month at least.
Also, doing a charge back is an excellent way of having your account locked with all your domains. Registrars treat chargeback as fraud.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2006
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I dont need to understand anything about dot CA, I own about 300 of them and have bought from pool before without this crap.

Not fraud. I dont have the names. The terms say I will have control of the names in 24 to 48 hrs.

Sure fraud if the names were in my control and I filed a chargeback. Chargeback is a protection the Credit Card companies offer when you dont relieve goods that are paid for.

Lock my accounts. What account, with pool. I will never deal with Pool again so they can close my account with them.


Domain Lover
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2005
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call them, its the only way I've ever got help.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 26, 2002
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I dont need to understand anything about dot CA, I own about 300 of them and have bought from pool before without this crap.

Not fraud. I dont have the names. The terms say I will have control of the names in 24 to 48 hrs.

Sure fraud if the names were in my control and I filed a chargeback. Chargeback is a protection the Credit Card companies offer when you dont relieve goods that are paid for.

Lock my accounts. What account, with pool. I will never deal with Pool again so they can close my account with them.

It will depend on who the issuing bank is in Canada for the card you used. They are not all the same for chargebacks

You can try a chargeback if a merchant is not providing you with the service you have paid for.

With the level of business pool does they are going to have a fairly polished and well thought out response to your accusation. Your only chance would be if the bank person you are dealing with has no idea what a domain name is.

Either way, if you are successful you can expect retribution that will far outweigh the inconvenience of a 30 day wait.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2006
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I spoke with mastercard they said ito call them back if I dont get control of it by the end of the week. It does not state 30 days in the TOS so mastercard said I am covered.

Within the next 24 to 48 hours you will receive an
email from the registrar responsible for registering your domain(s). This
email will provide instructions on how to manage your domain(s) within their

Pool can do whatever they want I am not concerned I wil not be dealing with them again.
The guy on the phone was rude and useless. He had no clue what e was talking about.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 6, 2002
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I spoke with mastercard they said ito call them back if I dont get control of it by the end of the week. It does not state 30 days in the TOS so mastercard said I am covered.

Within the next 24 to 48 hours you will receive an
email from the registrar responsible for registering your domain(s). This
email will provide instructions on how to manage your domain(s) within their

Pool can do whatever they want I am not concerned I wil not be dealing with them again.
The guy on the phone was rude and useless. He had no clue what e was talking about.

Stop right now.

Understand this is not a pool problem.

CIRA mandated that domains can not be transferred from a .ca registrar for 30 (or 60) days after registration.

Pool like other companies that shoot in the drops uses "registrars" (and I use that term loosely) that are nothing more than additional connection lines to the expired domain pool.

Many of these registrars either belong to pool or are shells for someone that just wants to make $$$$. Pool shares the proceeds of the auctions with them.

Unfortunately that means that many of them do not put up proper software for managing domains. They don't expect you to keep them. Accordingly everything gets done manually and that is why you have to email them and let them know about NS changes. I've done lots and it's not a problem.

As far as your purchasing clients are concerned you can just forward the dns to their sites and transfer the domains when the time period is up.

When you agreed to the terms and conditions of the CIRA registration all that info was in there about the delay in transferring from a registrar with a new registration.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm no pool fan but you're way off base in blaming them for this.
Last edited:


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Then they should put that in the terms and they do not. Dont tell me to stop!

I am not asking to transfer it right now , I just want to manage it myself than been at the mercy of pool when I want a change!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 19, 2006
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Any ca's I have won through pool in the past were at some of these so-called registrars. but make no mistake, the domains are yours. As dropwizard stated, the transfer restriction is a cira thing... reg a new ca at any registrar you want and guaranteed, you won't be able to transfer registrants until after the waiting period....

And yes, as a bunch of us are already accustomed to, it's pretty much a given that any ca's you win through Pool, you'll never be able to manage online, only via telephone or email, unless it was grabbed with namescout


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 6, 2002
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Dont tell me to stop!

That was intended to get your attention.

I use a default profile at pool and my domains automatically change to the default ns I want when they transfer them.

It's only if I need special arrangements.

Frankly you won't even get an email from most of the registrars when the domain is expiring the next year. They really don't want to keep your domain they are only in it for the proceeds of the auctions.

And those are cira conditions you sign for every time you register a domain. Have you ever read them. Those terms don't change just because pool registers it.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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.ca sucks lol


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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I am calling mastercard to file a chargeback against the charge. They can keep the names!

If you want to be player in this industry, I would rethink that if I were you, Pool will indeed blacklist you, Which means your going to lose out on a lot of names in the future........ Do as Dropwizard suggested, set your default DNS and monetize until you have access to the domains, wait the 60 days and transfer out...

You need to relax, impatience will get you nowhere. :cool:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
May 6, 2002
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You need to relax, impatience will get you nowhere. :cool:

No kidding.

Refusing to pay an auction bid is an offence under law.

Take a moment and step back from the situation:

What you do reflects on all of us. Do you think that mastercard and visa don't track issues like this. And sooner or later when the problems hit a certain "number or %" that they start cutting off companies from accepting CC payments from certain types of industry.

Gambling was killed when the american gov outlawed CC companies from accepting charges from their clients.

I, for one, don't want to have to start mailing cheques or arranging wire transfers everytime I need to pay for an auction or a domain renewal.

You bought them. The CIRA terms are there for everyone. Pay up and do what you have to after.

And you may find a lot of domainers in this forum will only deal with you on a cash basis after reading your comments. You do have a reputation to maintain with us also:eek:


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2002
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The Pool CEO is on this board so maybe search around for him.

Either sounds, consider it tuition and focus on the positives and the future.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2007
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I thought I might pipe in here to try and clear the air a bit (boy is it thick!!! :0)

Ok, yes, CIRA imposes a restriction where we cannot transfer the domain away from the registrar that was used to acquire the domain in the first place. There's not much we can do about that. In fact, most registry's have similar restrictions.

We don't currently have a single interface (like we offer in com/net with Namescout) that would allow you to "manage" all your CAs in one location. That is a limitation of our current setup. We have a collection of registrar partners that operate in both the ca and com/net drops. Most of our customers have a preferred registrar and at their request transfer out when the registry allows. But you can update your domain assets through our customer service department.

We are committed to responding to email requests within 24 hours and yes sometimes we get bogged down and don't make that goal. But if you ever have a problem that is unresolved, don't hesitate to email me directly ([email protected])... and yes, I am the CEO.

Simple requests like setting a DNS for a .ca should be addressed pretty quickly, again if it's not, email me.

It would be a shame for you to abandon Pool and our ca drop as we are pretty good at getting the names and as you know any resulting auction is open only to those who placed an order. And of course, placing an order doesn't cost anything.

I won't make a comment on charge backs other than to say that requesting a charge back is indeed your perogative. I would have thought that the domains had value to you in the first place and you would not abandon them so readily. In any case, that choice is certainly yours to make.

If I can be of any further assistance I welcome any questions.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2002
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Thanks for having the courage to step in and address some of the concerns people have listed above.

I will say that the Pool operation is much better since Richard started so I'm happy to endorse them and suggest that all you Pool.com haters (I used to be one myself), give Pool.com another try.

Richard, my paypal address is... just kidding :)
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