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Florida man sues 'American Idol'

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Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Originally posted by
You are a nut and a hypocrite - plain and simple - and this proved it. Thanks!

Case closed Chumpzilla! :D
I would only be a hypocrite if I were actually falsely calling someone names or putting words into people's mouths. I did neither. I simply quoted totally offensive statements by one poster, and then this moron saying those comments were perfectly fine and that anyone who thought differently was someone who"loved gays and was overreacting and all that B.S.

But then of course we can't expect NamePopper to just admit he's a bigot. And instead of telling the original poster to knock off the homophobia or letting the thread drop, he goes into attack mode. That's not how moderators act.

It's amazing how someone who is more obnoxious and offensive than the regular posters can be the one trying to police the posts of everyone else.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Dropper - you are acting like a crybaby again. No to mention that you are just plain wrong. Since you were not paying attention - I was not moderator when those last couple posts were made. I was a regular member just voicing my opinion - and defending 'Reign's' rights to voice his. Please try to keep up with what's going on - and don't bother to waste any more time attacking me - just because I was defending 'Reign's' free speech.

Since I am moderator again now - I will not tell you what I really think about you and your insults to me. However - please feel free to contact me anytime > [email protected] - if you would like to discuss this matter without the 'kid gloves' on. I would be more than happy to do that. It might even be fun.

Finally - let me just say that I have the domain BOOHOO.ORG - and I will make you a sweet deal if you are interested in using it for your home page. I accept PayPal - and I offer free & immediate transfer. Let me know. :D

*EDITED* - To be even more bigoted. :rolleyes:


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Go do your job instead of acting like a twit.

You might start by moderating out all of the obnoxious and offensive comments you posted.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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"MORON" - "BACKWATER" - "BIGOT"- and now "TWIT".

Who's posts did these come from?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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NameDropper - You really are barking up the wrong tree.

I'm not looking for trouble with you - but you seem to want to label 'Reign' - and anybody that has a diiferent view than yours - as a 'bigot'. That's just wrong.

As for trying to insult my job here - would you like me to send the url's where people talk about what a great job I do? There are plenty of them - so please just say the word buddy.

I suggest we call a truce here and now. You have only been here for a month - and many long standing members have a problem with people who come in pointing fingers at other members who have been around a lot longer - and established themselves already.

It's not fair for you to take one little comment or snapshot of a person - and then judge them by it. That's really the whole point - and what we were trying to show you - and explain to you. I even tried to make a joke by doing the same thing to you - but you just didn't get it.

I wish you nothing but the best - and I hope we can move forward from this now.

Take care. No hard feelings.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by ozone
The gov't should NOT support private orgainizations that are prejudice in any way because this is supporting biggotry.

A very valid point. You won't find many to argue with that one!

Hopefully the tone of things can settle down a little bit now. I have forwarded my last post (calling for a truce) to NameDropper - and hopefully he will demonstate his willingness to do the same. I doubt that he and 'Reign' will become buddies - but hopefully he can atleast peacefully co-exist with us.

I see no more reasons for people to call each other names - or to make assumptions based on small comments made in the 'lounge' of an Internet forum. I hope he will agree - and not take any shots at us.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2002
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as dennis miller said on jay leno last night ,you liberals don't want to defend or accept the rights of people putting nativity scenes in goverment places,but yet, let some freak screw one of the sheep in the nativity scene and you will defend them all day long.
I think this symbol sums it up


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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I have no desire to prolong any pointless arguments here, but that facts of the matter are that Reign Domain did not make "one little comment" or "small comments." He made several strongly bigoted ones on this thread, as has been pointed out by several people. Then you attacked these same people as if they were the closed-minded ones.

Regardless of whether you were acting as a moderator at the time or not, your actions were uncalled for and fanned the flames. The only thing I can judge you buy have been your actions on this thread, and they have been less than I'd expect from a normal member, let alone someone of some responsibility for the site.

The easiest way to start a truce is to recognize your mistakes and stop compounding them. For example, you can't complain about insulting remarks in your 8 pm post when your 7:34 pm one contained several out of line personal attacks. You have since edited your insults out (while falsely claiming to be more severe in your response that time around), but left the post complaining about me. Those aren't the actions of someone trying to play fair.

I don't hold grudges as a rule. I have, in fact, done business with Reign Domain in spite of his comments here. If you want things to be less heated, all you have to do is stop throwing insults and trying to paint yourself as the voice of reason in a thread in which you have contributed more to the overall flaming by sniping at people who rightly complained about the original offensive comments.

Simply: I judge people by their actions, not their promises, nor their claims of seniority (time on the boards) or authority (moderator status). If you don't insult people and so forth, I will no longer have a reason to complain.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Originally posted by ctn
as dennis miller said on jay leno last night ,you liberals don't want to defend or accept the rights of people putting nativity scenes in goverment places,

They have no rights to put nativity scenes on government property, as that clearly violates the Bill of Rights, so there's nothing there to defend or accept.

but yet, let some freak screw one of the sheep in the nativity scene and you will defend them all day long.[/QUOTE]

Nope, I don't defend bestiality... And if you think that's an accurate comparison to defending homosexual rights you are sadly mistaken.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Originally posted by namedropper

I have no desire to prolong any pointless arguments here, but that facts of the matter are that Reign Domain did not make "one little comment" or "small comments." He made several strongly bigoted ones on this thread, as has been pointed out by several people. Then you attacked these same people as if they were the closed-minded ones.

Regardless of whether you were acting as a moderator at the time or not, your actions were uncalled for and fanned the flames. The only thing I can judge you buy have been your actions on this thread, and they have been less than I'd expect from a normal member, let alone someone of some responsibility for the site.

The easiest way to start a truce is to recognize your mistakes and stop compounding them. For example, you can't complain about insulting remarks in your 8 pm post when your 7:34 pm one contained several out of line personal attacks. You have since edited your insults out (while falsely claiming to be more severe in your response that time around), but left the post complaining about me. Those aren't the actions of someone trying to play fair.

I don't hold grudges as a rule. I have, in fact, done business with Reign Domain in spite of his comments here. If you want things to be less heated, all you have to do is stop throwing insults and trying to paint yourself as the voice of reason in a thread in which you have contributed more to the overall flaming by sniping at people who rightly complained about the original offensive comments.

Simply: I judge people by their actions, not their promises, nor their claims of seniority (time on the boards) or authority (moderator status). If you don't insult people and so forth, I will no longer have a reason to complain.

Look at your first sentence - that I highlighted in red.

Then look at the length of your reply. See a contradiction? LOL :laugh:

Then look at your continued claims that you were attacked - and that everybody is wrong except you.

Dropper - you are wrong. You are pathetic. You are a crybaby.

You are pointing fingers at everybody else - but assuming no responcibilty for your own mistakes - and your own actions. You are the one who keeps trying to blame everybody else.

Seriously dude - get a life. Please!


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Fortunately this thread is in the lounge. Maybe it's time you guys moved this discussion to a non domain name forum.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Agreed - and that's the only reason I even commented to begin with - because it was the lounge.

From now on - I will respond to Dan Norder (aka namedropper) with one simple statement.....

'Peace & Love' :)


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Originally posted by gregr
Fortunately this thread is in the lounge. Maybe it's time you guys moved this discussion to a non domain name forum.

this is the only reason i have kept making comments

This is where all off-topic discussions go, unrelated to domains (anything goes).

but i will say no more,you can delete it this thread


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by ctn

this is the only reason i have kept making comments

This is where all off-topic discussions go, unrelated to domains (anything goes).

but i will say no more,you can delete it this thread

Let's just respect each other by saying we all, AGREE to DISAGREE on the aforementioned topics! :D

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