If you dont like calling people liars, then you should not.
You know what is really funny.. You talk about overture....
Sex.com Shows 0 yet is the most popular search in the world.
Yet type in sex com and it show thousands..
Gariben> is correct.. type in georgewbush com and it will show over 700 on overture.
Anyhow, I have to got to work.. When I get back I will post some stats.. And then maybe you wont be so stuck on overture with the .com extension..
Not tooooo many people will type in the name plus .com in search anymore.. Think society is getting a little smarter.. They now type it in without the .com and just com more often than not.
George w bush.com = 171 on google
George w bush com = 747 on google
George w bush com = google 6350
George w bush = google 5,110,000