Rubber Duck said:
By the way is anyone interested in Real Estate on Pluto. I can get you some excellent rates on plots of 100 Acres or more?
There couldn't be a better way to put it :shades_smile:
Think logically, people need to have this special plugin for it to work. Many other companies have tried this before and it won't work because it can't. Lets just say that this one actually, partially takes off.
A major marketing company who will be using their URL on national TV ads, etc.. wants to be creative and register their product called "ZylaTech".
So they go to and register:
A few weeks later they start to get upset, realizing that only .00001% of the population actually has the special browser upgrade installed that allows them to make the dotworlds URLs work.
They think hard, and find there are about 10 other companies offering this type of domain creation service out there. So they go and attempt to register the SAME exact domain with these other places:
Still with all of them registered, new companies spring up here and their offering the same service. They have to constantly watch day after day for each and every new little company that springs up offering a browser install to reg the same exact domains at their place instead!
When it's all said and done, the national brand has registered their EXACT SAME domain name over 100 times, yet there are still 25 other services at which other people already took the same domain before they did. What a mess! And still, their records show that after all of their national advertising using their totally hip new URL, still less than .00014% of the population that tried typing it in actually got to it from one of the various, hundreds of services offering registration of the same exact domain.
At the end of the day, there needs to be order to prevent such confusion; somewhat similar to how a government runs a country. Many people may not agree with or like that order, but it is needed. In the domain industry, we call that order ICANN.