Attitudes out there are pretty fixed in some minds.....and uneducated about domains, in general.
A lot of resentment comes from not understanding the true value of good domains, too....I had an end user recently offer me Reg Fee x 4 years unused registration fees x 2 (ie $85) for a Premium, single word .com. They described this as offering me above market rate for the domain....!!....Just didn't begin to 'get' why this name was very valuable, and worth $xxx,xxx....
Hoarding (of anything useful) will often cause resentment. Those that hoard real estate land-banks (ie own & sit on a lot of land, without developing it) come in for criticism, too...And, domainers hoard a lot.
I think domainers often bring resentment down on their own heads, as well...Registering celebrity personal names, for example - then asking for the moon when the celeb seeks to buy it....Regging disaster domains for reg fee, then asking a charity for $20,000 for it (bound to be misunderstood)....TM Typos, of course - legal, look bad & smell bad - and happens a lot...etc etc
I recently had another (verified) end user offer me exactly what he knew I paid at auction for a name, telling me that he wouldn't offer me more 'cos it would be immoral for me to make a profit from the sale of a domain...!!....This was no TM name, or anything...just a domain.....Nuts!
Whilst some of the attitudes out there are unreasonable, but genuine, a lot are based on simple irritation, 'You have something I need - and, you're not using it - and I don''t see why you should make a lot of money out of me with it..."