The equity should increase year by year. At least that's the way its been in the UK for as long as I can remember. I know that's not guaranteed.
In the UK the trick seems to have been to have bought more than one house on an interest only mortgage. The profit from the second house to be used to pay off the first or to just buy another house.
Interest only mortgages probably have a lot to answer for the high prices in the UK. If they never existed, the existing high prices would never be affordable imo.
That is very true and that is what put so many dollar signs in the eyes of the Amercian speculator. The chance to make a few hundred K in a week's time with flipping properties.
But for those that paid "interest only" on an interest only loan in the flipping game, they lose, lose, lose if they were not able to flip in a hurry. For those still sitting on those properties, they lose on a grand scale.
Most bought on speculation while the market was on an upswing where in many markets the prices were overvalued and hyperinflated. Now those same properties and valuations are on the downswing and there may be a housing glut in some areas...those same properties will actually DEPRECIATE quicker than you can say "HELP!".
"You mean I qualify for a home equity line of credit, low monthly payments, tax deductible, and I can write it off on taxes and use the money for anything I want?"
"You mean I qualify for an interest only loan, low monthly payments, and I can buy a second home?"
"You mean I qualify for an interest only loan, low monthly payments, and I can buy a third home?"
I wish I had a home for each time a bank or a lending institution made us this offer in person or sent us this offer in the mail. Banking and lending institutions made it too damn easy for people to get in this "flipping" game. I am sure many did well. Overall, I now reading and hearing the news about the huge number of ill advised investors who did this and are now so overextended they can never recover.
With the stiffer and new law making filing bankruptcy extremely difficult (thanks to those same banks and lending institutions' strong lobbyist and PAC's groups in D.C.) this could be another return to the US Federal Government's bail out of the savings and loans scandel decades back.
Another way to look at it? Think of it in terms of domain names. With all the press about the huge sums of money being made on domain names, look how many appraisals we see for absolute laughable domain names (it is a matter of opinion, of course) or the asking price for some of these insane domain names and extensions.
But this is the same type of circus atmosphere created. The hype behind the profit. More and more want to get into the market without even knowing the market, the trends, the true other words, jump into the domain name game with out knowing a damn thing about domains. No study, no analyses, no thought process. The only thing that crosses their mind is "My God! Look what this sold for!"
Stock market, real estate, virtual real can lose your ass if you don't know what your doing. Even if you know what you are doing, you can still lose your ass. Certain market conditions are out of our control in all these investment arenas.
I'm still looking for that one dumbass, I mean shrewd investor, willing to by my Cisco stock for what I paid for it.
and when those interest only mortgages cease to exist, so will the existing high prices for those homes.
Perhaps, perhaps not.
What we may see is the banks, again, realizing the stupid dumbass moves they made to entice everyone to overextend their credit...yeah, we might see those same banks now all of a sudden get hand slapped by the federal regulators.
Now, we'll see them making it much harder and much tougher to qualify for a loan...again, like it was about 15 years ago.
What does this mean for the housing market? Could get interesting. Those that are sitting in their castles and can not afford to take a lose will not sell. Those that want to hurry up and get the hell out will take anything.
Those high dollar and smug damn developers and builders who think they create gold out of a sow's ear (don't get me started on building contractors in the area I live in) and spew bullshit praise upon themselves out of every orafice will not have the market for their $750K home that cost them $200 to build using the cheapest materials and "slave" illegal immigrant labor all the while charging $150.00 minimum per sq. ft.
Those homes will come down to earth in price. And so won't those developers and builders. Time for a dose of reality in many areas of this country. Unfortunately, it won't be pretty.
Now, it will take a few years for all of this to catch up to each other and stabelize. That would be the best case scenario...a sssssssslllllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwww downward slide.
But add to this nation's troubled economy and budget worries and downsizing of many industries along with potentially massive cutbacks in the nation's manufacturing sector (ie, auto industry), the never ending need for more money to support an ill concieved way (I support the troops...I do not support the "talking heads" in DC), as well as continued budget cutbacks to fund programs and the ever increasing healthcare crisis...
yeah, it ain't pretty.