Originally posted by painperdu
The layout is nice but black should never be used in conjunction with health!
I'd get rid of the black in favor of a softer color. Also, the horizontal lines in the left navigation panel are distracting. I'd either make the text darker or make the lines lighter.
I agree black isnt a good thing for health. but i quite like the horizontal lines.
The news section mite be better if it was health related news and not headlines, as war on iraq really isnt health related lol
I think the links are either too small or there are two many on a page. It mite be they are too close togther, i cant make my mind up. but change the rollover colour the cream doesnt go well with white.
As a health related link site its quite good, but its not very "sticky" apart from the news section. Maybe a diagnostic section where u can type in symtoms and find out whats wrong with you. this adds a sticky content as they will come back and again and again to find out new symotoms....im sure there is a programme out there either free or pay for.
Im not a great fan of that pink/rose border and anywhere else you have used it.
Sorry to be harsh. Im no webdesigner look at
but i think using those points it should be be better.