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- Jan 24, 2004
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A week ago I had a total computer meltdown. I now have a new system and it seems to work fine...
While trying to go to websites (all)....both my browsers (firefox & IE7) are not connecting me correctly.
Firefox example:
I have it set to go to Google as my homepage. Most of the time i just get the Google logo only. Now I get this:
When going to other pages or sites, they don't load correctly, or I get just a "shell" of a page, or I get bizzare 404 error pages, and a number of other wild stuff.
I ran all spyware checks and no spyware found. I have installed and un-installed both browsers twice.
Never seen anything like it before, so I could use some HELP
I have a broadband connection from Charter cable, there fastest one. It seems to be working fine.
Please email me at mainstreet at gmail dot com
If you think you can help me out...as I do not know if and how fast I can responded to this thread...because of these problems.
I would rather use my firefox browser...always have had some issues with IE....sooner or later.
Thanks In Advance!
BTW: The first 2 times trying to submit this post...I get this:
A week ago I had a total computer meltdown. I now have a new system and it seems to work fine...
While trying to go to websites (all)....both my browsers (firefox & IE7) are not connecting me correctly.
Firefox example:
I have it set to go to Google as my homepage. Most of the time i just get the Google logo only. Now I get this:
document.write("<style type=text/css>.bl{display:inline !important}</style>");window.gnb={};(function(){var e=window.gnb;function j(a){return a==null||a.className=="g"?a:j(a.parentNode)}e._add=function(a,c){var b=a.ownerDocument,d=j(a);if(d==null){return false}a.parentNode.innerHTML=" - Duly noted";var h=d.getElementsByTagName("A"),g=null;for(var f=0;f<h.length;++f){if(h[f].className=="l"){g=h[f]}}if(g==null){return false}var l=g.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?b>|<\/?font(?: color="?#?cc0033"?)?>/ig,
""),m=b.location.href+"",i=/td class="?j"?[^>]*?><font size="?-1"?>(?:<font color="?#6.*?<br>)?([\s\S]*?)(?:<br>)?<(?:nobr|script|table|div|span|font color="?#0)/i.exec(d.innerHTML);if(i==null){i=[""]}e._doAdd(i[1],l,c,m,d);return false};e._doAdd=function(a,c,b,d,h){k([a,c,b,d])};e._show=function(){e.title="Google Notebook"};function n(){var a=document.createElement("div");a.id="gn_ph";var c=a.style;c.right="20px";c.bottom="0px";var b=document.body,d=b.style,h=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie")>
-1;if(h){var g=document.createElement("div");g.id="gncntnr";var f=g.style;f.width="100%";f.height="100%";f.overflow=d.overflow||"auto";d.overflow="hidden";d.padding="0";while(b.firstChild){g.appendChild(b.firstChild)}b.appendChild(g);c.position="absolute"}else{c.position="fixed"}d.marginRight="0";b.appendChild(a);return a}function k(a){e._doAddargs=a;var c=document.getElementById("gn_ph");if(c!=null){return}c=n();var b=document.createElement("iframe");b.frameBorder=0;b.style.height="100%";b.style.width=
"100%";c.style.height="1px";c.style.width="1px";c.appendChild(b);var d=window.google.kHL;b.contentWindow.document.location.repl
When going to other pages or sites, they don't load correctly, or I get just a "shell" of a page, or I get bizzare 404 error pages, and a number of other wild stuff.
I ran all spyware checks and no spyware found. I have installed and un-installed both browsers twice.
Never seen anything like it before, so I could use some HELP
I have a broadband connection from Charter cable, there fastest one. It seems to be working fine.
Please email me at mainstreet at gmail dot com
If you think you can help me out...as I do not know if and how fast I can responded to this thread...because of these problems.
I would rather use my firefox browser...always have had some issues with IE....sooner or later.
Thanks In Advance!
BTW: The first 2 times trying to submit this post...I get this:
Bad Request (Invalid Verb)