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Hey, Why Not Follow-Up With A BS-er?

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Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Back in early March of 2009, next to a picture of Ivor Sequerira, DNjournal highlighted Neustar with this paragraph:

"Sequeira's company, Neustar, operates the .US registry and he thinks America's often overlooked country code extension represents an excellent investment opportunity. Sequeira acknowledged complaints from current .US holders that the registry had done little to promote he extension and said that was about to change as they are planning to launch a new promotional campaign. Sequeira also said many registrars have not given the extension the kind of visibility it deserves but he predicted that you will soon see much more activity surrounding the .US brand."

Here we are, nine months later, and Sequeira has proven to be a BS-er, unless that I missed that "new promotional campaign." Did anyone else see that promotional campaign?

I like the way Sequeira blames the registrars: "... many registars have not given the extension the kind of visibility it deserves ...". What a bunch of B.S. Why should the registrars get behind the extension when a mouthpiece for Neustar is full of complete B.S.?

Here's another example of an industry insider willing to lie to DNjournal's readers, knowing he'll probably never be held accountable for those lies. At very least, Sequeira doesn't feel the need to follow-up and update DNjournal with exactly why we haven't seen results based on what he promised back in March?

It's time for domainers, and the likes of DNjournal, to hold the companies and their BS-ing spokespeople accountable for what they promise, and voice our anger with our wallets. It would be a shame to have to let a few hundred-thousand .us names drop in order to motivate Neustar to get serious and quit treating us as though we are complete idiots. We get enough of that from some domain auctioneers and their employees, we don't need any more of it from the registries.

Perhaps a follow-up column in DNjournal could address this issue. That would be some good journalism.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I'm almost certain Neustar will come around selling 1 and 2 character .us domains, like they did with .biz


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2009
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I'm almost certain Neustar will come around selling 1 and 2 character .us domains, like they did with .biz

Interesting enough, they did have an auction pending at the same time as dot biz for two character dot us names and that was a month or more before the auction was to take place... but that was removed fairly quickly- I believe both were removed and then the dot biz was placed back up. At that time I was checking out sedo auctions almost daily.

Also, back to the original poster- they might be stockpiling themselves before creating a spectacle over dot us... either that or they just offer crappy passive management. Wish they were removed altogether... they are an embarrassment. A bunch of pencil pushers.... I would love a surprise out of that outfit. Maybe they would feel the heat if people made some more phone calls because someone's slacking off over there...


Anyways, good luck with your names...


Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Interesting enough, they did have an auction pending at the same time as dot biz for two character dot us names and that was a month or more before the auction was to take place... but that was removed fairly quickly- I believe both were removed and then the dot biz was placed back up. At that time I was checking out sedo auctions almost daily.

Also, back to the original poster- they might be stockpiling themselves before creating a spectacle over dot us... either that or they just offer crappy passive management. Wish they were removed altogether... they are an embarrassment. A bunch of pencil pushers.... I would love a surprise out of that outfit. Maybe they would feel the heat if people made some more phone calls because someone's slacking off over there...


Anyways, good luck with your names...

I have a feeling that there is no "spectacle over dot us" planned. Phone calls won't help. After all, phone calls only prompted them to throw a happy-to-have-any-job spokesperson our there, spewing empty promises and placing blame on registrars.

I'm less concerned about the fact that they do nothing to promote the extension rather than the fact that they send out a vapid, "senior director" to pump us full of BS.

I hope I am proven wrong, but Neustar has a history of providing lip-service.


Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Here we are, end of 2009, still none of the progress promised back in March by Neustar's worthless "senior director." Of course DNJournal hasn't done squat to follow-up on the puff-piece story from March.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Let me get his straight Bro-foe... When somebody doesn't follow through with something, (in this case 9 months later), you consider them a BS'r and full of crap?


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 30, 2005
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Heh, their PDF mentions preventing cybersquatters.

There is nothing to prevent when there is not much to cybersquat in the first place. :)

My advice, DON'T INVEST in .US!


Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Let me get his straight Bro-foe... When somebody doesn't follow through with something, (in this case 9 months later), you consider them a BS'r and full of crap?

Yes, exactly Raider. When a company makes promises to its customers, then fails to follow-through, I consider them "full of crap." I know, there's another school of thought that would allow Neustar longer than nine months to fulfill the claims of their "senior director", but I believe Neustar's "senior director" was knowingly spewing BS. Otherwise he'd be more concerned about his own credibility, but he's not. Let's be clear here, I'm saying Neustar and their "senior director" are full of crap, by not fulfilling promises, not DNJournal. DNJournal merely fails to follow-up on the story as any competent journalist would, and that's a different kind of "full of crap."


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Yes, exactly Raider. When a company makes promises to its customers, then fails to follow-through, I consider them "full of crap." I know, there's another school of thought that would allow Neustar longer than nine months to fulfill the claims of their "senior director", but I believe Neustar's "senior director" was knowingly spewing BS. Otherwise he'd be more concerned about his own credibility, but he's not. Let's be clear here, I'm saying Neustar and their "senior director" are full of crap, by not fulfilling promises, not DNJournal. DNJournal merely fails to follow-up on the story as any competent journalist would, and that's a different kind of "full of crap."

Ah, I find that very interesting David! That means that by your own definition YOU are a BS'r and full of crap. Indeed, based on your own "news" site - Chicago.us - and what you said about it when it was launched months ago , I would say you are one of the biggest BS'ers in this entire industry. You are concerned about everyone else's credibility but obviously have no regard for your own which, as I am about to show - is non-existent.

Since you spend so much of your time telling other people how things should be done, I naturally assumed you had to be one heck of a domain development/media expert. I mean what kind of a jerk would spend every waking hour criticizing other people unless they had some pretty impressive credentials of their own? No one would do that, right? I mean wouldn't they spend at least some of that time putting their superior knowledge to work for themselves? In your case, obviously not.

I decided to take a look at just exactly what you have accomplished, so we can all benefit from your expertise and success and maybe one day measure up to all that you have achieved, but unfortunately it turns out you are all hat and no cattle.

Here is the dossier:

Subject: David Corish (alias Broe-foe)
Hometown: Mission Viejo, California
Website: [B]http://www.Chicago.us[/B] (Chicago’s News Cog!)
Occupation: Blame Everyone Else for My Own Shortcomings

Job Description: Spend workdays trolling forums lecturing successful publishers on what they are doing wrong even though I don’t have a clue what to do with my own “news” site, "launched" months ago. Advise them that their site is a “joke” even though my own so-called “news site”, despite what I promised months ago, has no original news or commentary at all – zip, zero, nada. Stay so busy telling others how it is done that there is no time left for me to write even one word of original content for my own “news” site (which may or may not be a joke but is certainly a ghost town). Why do that when I can spend all day writing flames on forums that do no one (especially myself) any good. Ignore my own complete failure while ridiculing others. (In another thread here - http://bit.ly/6qJCqp - I told Ron Jackson - "Your "news" journal is a poor excuse for a "news" anything" - but then I speak from experience - as you can all see from Chicago.us, I am obviously a news and publishing expert - though the news part and the publishing thing are giving me a few minor problems.)

Favorite past time: Asking people if they need another tissue. Why? Because I love that line – used to slay them with it in 3rd grade! Also because I keep plenty of tissues around. Comes in handy with my constant crying and whining that someone else is doing well while I am stuck in a ditch (through no fault of my own of course – I’m way too busy criticizing everyone else to spend any time on fixing my own house! It is all Adam Dicker’s fault and of course Kevin Ham, Monte Cahn and Ron Jackson all share the blame for my complete lack of effort too).

Comments: Let me tell you, having a full time gig tearing down everyone else is exhausting! This forum blowhard/crybaby/bully gig (I am a multi-tasker) is no walk in the park! Thank God I have a hobby – this pissing, *****ing and moaning relieves some of the stress from my heavy workload! (though the Kleenex is getting a little expensive).


Having set the stage with that tongue in cheek (just barely) intro, I'll pick up the narrative from here. Based on his own news site, David is clearly a person who believes in the “Do as I say, not as I do” principle. He apparently never heard the old axiom “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”.

David launched Chicago.us – Chicago’s News Cog! around the middle of 2009 declaring in his own words that “Chicago.us will be a current, relevant, transparent, important, and useful site for Chicagoans and others. We are inspired in this venture by the obvious decline and inevitable collapse of most printed news media.” With the collapse of printed news media, David determined that former Chicago Tribune and Sun Times readers would flock to a “current” site that hasn’t been updated once since it was launched (hey, when one is in charge of telling everyone else in the media business how it is done, who has time to actually, you know, write anything!).

His idea of fresh content is to stick an automated news feed in every single section of his “important and useful” publication. I probably should point out that it is really Adam Dicker’s fault that this “relevant and transparent” site is just a template with someone else’s feeds on it – nothing original of his own.

Now certainly David could have spent a little of his own time on his own site, but why do that when you could try to sucker a bunch of college kids into producing all of the content for you and have them do it for nothing – not even gas money while they run all over town covering stories for you. Check out David’s ad on the SIUC School of Journalism’s Facebook page in January 2009 (http://bit.ly/53D556 - fourth post down):

"We need the talents of writers, editorialists, columnists, reporters, and photographers for content. In return we offer a window in which the work of those individuals will be displayed and highlighted" (Editor’s note: Wow!, who wouldn’t rather have exposure on an undeveloped, unknown site than useless stuff like money! After all college kids are so well-heeled they have no need for trivial things like “minimum wage.” David would have been a good sweatshop operator but he hates investing his own sweat in anything and there is little time to exploit others because he is too busy pointing out how lame everyone is, other than himself of course).

"Our intuitive URL draws random traffic and inquiries from domestic and foreign individuals expecting to see something important about Chicago at www.chicago.us." (Editor’s note: they’re still waiting). "Approximately 12% to 15% of that traffic has international origin. Chicago.us will be basic in structure with a format similar to any major metropolitan newspaper. We need reporters/writers/photographers, etc., in the following categories:

1) Chicago Headlines
2) Entertainment
3) Environmental/Green Issues
4) Health
5) Business
6) Politics (including political cartoons)
7) Sports
8) International Headlines
9) Editorials/Opinions

Chicago issues and headlines will be the main focus.

Chicago.us is now "under construction", with a developer
building the site." (Editor’s note: could have fooled me. Nothing has been built since this template went up months ago – the big goose egg, not one word, not even a “boo!” to alert people that someone is even breathing at Chicago.us, let alone “building”).

"This is not a "mom and pop" developer, but rather a current, cutting-edge team" (Editor’s note: Whoa! If this do nothing team is cutting edge I have to wonder what you would call a team that actually did something – anything!). "Every bit of cash is being dedicated to site construction, to enable as many site capabilities as possible" (Editor’s note: I see – and with all that cash going to the incredible amount of work that has been done on the site it’s no wonder there was nothing left to pay those ungrateful college kids who refused to do your work for you for nothing!).

"We envision future revenue streams coming from the usual types of classified ads and local retailer advertisements" (Editor’s note: How is that working out for you?). "We will not be charging money for subscriptions. The whole site will be viewable for free" (Editor’s note: I’m shocked. Who would give away this kind of compelling, “current, relevant, important and useful” stuff? Please re-think your strategy here David. If people will pay for a Wall Street Journal subscription, surely they will pay for something truly “cutting edge” like Chicago.us)

"We want to compete with the major Chicago newspapers, while at the same providing a professional showcase for student talent and those professionals in need of a serious outlet for their work" (Editor’s note: All good, except for the “serious” part. You might have a little problem convincing people on that point David).

"Plans include launching Chicago.us in Spring 2009" (Editor’s note: Well, that little deadline slipped by didn't it - but hey, when a guy is so busy lecturing other people on how to run their business, and about how they are "full of crap" if they don't follow up on what they said, who has time for following through on their own commitments!)

"We welcome your suggestions and comments" (Editor’s note: Just a suggestion, but you might try taking a few days off from the forums and actually doing something constructive for your own business. I know it isn’t as much fun as tearing other people down all day but I think youl may see better results from your own site – not that that appears to be anything you are really interested in. I’m sure a pre-occupation with what other sites are doing is far more important to your family than producing a useful site of your own).


Well, who could pass up such a deal? Apparently everyone since this January 2009 appeal resulted in not a speck of new content on Chicago.us. David could do what I and many others in this industry do and work 6-7 days and 80-90 hours a week to produce the content himself – but who would show an ounce of respect for someone that foolish? Heck no – much better to sit in the forums all day ridiculing and reviling people like that. Better to wait on those hated “major players” to clean up their act before starting to work on your own. Once they do that then of course everything that is wrong with your site and business will be magically fixed without you having to invest any time, money or energy of your own.

The truth is most of the players, large and small, have gotten ahead by actually doing something for themselves. I know it is a wild concept David, but you really should give it a try. There is an old saying, “Those who can do, those who can’t criticize.” Judging from the above, you obviously can’t do, so you resort to criticizing.

If you are going to continue to let Chicago.us – Chicago’s News Cog! languish while you berate everyone else’s work, the least you could do to maintain some shred of credibility is change you slogan to Chicago’s News CLOG. Clearly the drain is stopped up and visitors aren’t seeing any real content getting through there.

By the way, why after all of these months are you portraying yourself online as something you are not – Chicago’s News Cog. Surely, there must be something going on in the Windy City – I mean that is pretty good sized town. Didn’t the governor up that way, Blagojevich, do a few things that might have warranted a word or two from Chicago’s News Cog? You accuse others of "turning a blind eye" so why did you turn a blind eye to that? How about all of the other corruption in Chicago that is harming your readers (I mean reader)? Where are your articles and editorials spotlighting those problems? Oh right, no time for that – too busy being a complete hypocrite and telling others who actually do write, how it’s done. But then it always has been a lot tougher to build up something of your own than it is to tear down something that belongs to someone else.

Summary: What kind of jerk puts up a dead on arrival “news” site like Chicago.us then has the unmitigated gall to tell other people with real sites that theirs is a joke? My site is in your words a “poor excuse for “news” anything”? Are there no mirrors in the Corish household? What makes you think you are William Randolph Hearst with your abandoned site and its invisible news? Sorry, I forgot your business plan - it's coming as soon as you can get some kids to do all of the work for you at their expense). Can you say delusional? Any clue bells going off yet? The fact is, I am sorry to say, the real joke is on you and worse yet, it is you.

It's time for domainers, and the likes of DNjournal, to hold the companies and their BS-ing spokespeople accountable.

I finally decided to take your advice David and as the BS-ing spokesperson for your company I am holding you accountable.
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Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
Ah, I find that very interesting David! That means that by your own definition YOU are a BS'r and full of crap. Indeed, based on your own "news" site - Chicago.us - and what you said about it when it was launched months ago , I would say you are one of the biggest BS'ers in this entire industry. You are concerned about everyone else's credibility but obviously have no regard for your own which, as I am about to show - is non-existent.

Since you spend so much of your time telling other people how things should be done, I naturally assumed you had to be one heck of a domain development/media expert. I mean what kind of a jerk would spend every waking hour criticizing other people unless they had some pretty impressive credentials of their own? No one would do that, right? I mean wouldn't they spend at least some of that time putting their superior knowledge to work for themselves? In your case, obviously not.

I decided to take a look at just exactly what you have accomplished, so we can all benefit from your expertise and success and maybe one day measure up to all that you have achieved, but unfortunately it turns out you are all hat and no cattle.

Here is the dossier:

Subject: David Corish (alias Broe-foe)
Hometown: Rancho Mirage, California
Website: [B]http://www.Chicago.us[/B] (Chicago’s News Cog!)
Occupation: Blame Everyone Else for My Own Shortcomings

Job Description: Spend workdays trolling forums lecturing successful publishers on what they are doing wrong even though I don’t have a clue what to do with my own “news” site, "launched" months ago. Advise them that their site is a “joke” even though my own so-called “news site”, despite what I promised months ago, has no original news or commentary at all – zip, zero, nada. Stay so busy telling others how it is done that there is no time left for me to write even one word of original content for my own “news” site (which may or may not be a joke but is certainly a ghost town). Why do that when I can spend all day writing flames on forums that do no one (especially myself) any good. Ignore my own complete failure while ridiculing others. (In another thread here - http://bit.ly/6qJCqp - I told Ron Jackson - "Your "news" journal is a poor excuse for a "news" anything" - but then I speak from experience - as you can all see from Chicago.us, I am obviously a news and publishing expert - though the news part and the publishing thing are giving me a few minor problems.)

Favorite past time: Asking people if they need another tissue. Why? Because I love that line – used to slay them with it in 3rd grade! Also because I keep plenty of tissues around. Comes in handy with my constant crying and whining that someone else is doing well while I am stuck in a ditch (through no fault of my own of course – I’m way too busy criticizing everyone else to spend any time on fixing my own house! It is all Adam Dicker’s fault and of course Kevin Ham, Monte Cahn and Ron Jackson all share the blame for my complete lack of effort too).

Comments: Let me tell you, having a full time gig tearing down everyone else is exhausting! This forum blowhard/crybaby/bully gig (I am a multi-tasker) is no walk in the park! Thank God I have a hobby – this pissing, *****ing and moaning relieves some of the stress from my heavy workload! (though the Kleenex is getting a little expensive).


Having set the stage with that tongue in cheek (just barely) intro, I'll pick up the narrative from here. Based on his own news site, David is clearly a person who believes in the “Do as I say, not as I do” principle. He apparently never heard the old axiom “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”.

David launched Chicago.us – Chicago’s News Cog! around the middle of 2009 declaring in his own words that “Chicago.us will be a current, relevant, transparent, important, and useful site for Chicagoans and others. We are inspired in this venture by the obvious decline and inevitable collapse of most printed news media.” With the collapse of printed news media, David determined that former Chicago Tribune and Sun Times readers would flock to a “current” site that hasn’t been updated once since it was launched (hey, when one is in charge of telling everyone else in the media business how it is done, who has time to actually, you know, write anything!).

His idea of fresh content is to stick an automated news feed in every single section of his “important and useful” publication. I probably should point out that it is really Adam Dicker’s fault that this “relevant and transparent” site is just a template with someone else’s feeds on it – nothing original of his own.

Now certainly David could have spent a little of his own time on his own site, but why do that when you could try to sucker a bunch of college kids into producing all of the content for you and have them do it for nothing – not even gas money while they run all over town covering stories for you. Check out David’s ad on the SIUC School of Journalism’s Facebook page in January 2009 (http://bit.ly/53D556 - fourth post down):

"We need the talents of writers, editorialists, columnists, reporters, and photographers for content. In return we offer a window in which the work of those individuals will be displayed and highlighted" (Editor’s note: Wow!, who wouldn’t rather have exposure on an undeveloped, unknown site than useless stuff like money! After all college kids are so well-heeled they have no need for trivial things like “minimum wage.” David would have been a good sweatshop operator but he hates investing his own sweat in anything and there is little time to exploit others because he is too busy pointing out how lame everyone is, other than himself of course).

"Our intuitive URL draws random traffic and inquiries from domestic and foreign individuals expecting to see something important about Chicago at www.chicago.us." (Editor’s note: they’re still waiting). "Approximately 12% to 15% of that traffic has international origin. Chicago.us will be basic in structure with a format similar to any major metropolitan newspaper. We need reporters/writers/photographers, etc., in the following categories:

1) Chicago Headlines
2) Entertainment
3) Environmental/Green Issues
4) Health
5) Business
6) Politics (including political cartoons)
7) Sports
8) International Headlines
9) Editorials/Opinions

Chicago issues and headlines will be the main focus.

Chicago.us is now "under construction", with a developer
building the site." (Editor’s note: could have fooled me. Nothing has been built since this template went up months ago – the big goose egg, not one word, not even a “boo!” to alert people that someone is even breathing at Chicago.us, let alone “building”).

"This is not a "mom and pop" developer, but rather a current, cutting-edge team" (Editor’s note: Whoa! If this do nothing team is cutting edge I have to wonder what you would call a team that actually did something – anything!). "Every bit of cash is being dedicated to site construction, to enable as many site capabilities as possible" (Editor’s note: I see – and with all that cash going to the incredible amount of work that has been done on the site it’s no wonder there was nothing left to pay those ungrateful college kids who refused to do your work for you for nothing!).

"We envision future revenue streams coming from the usual types of classified ads and local retailer advertisements" (Editor’s note: How is that working out for you?). "We will not be charging money for subscriptions. The whole site will be viewable for free" (Editor’s note: I’m shocked. Who would give away this kind of compelling, “current, relevant, important and useful” stuff? Please re-think your strategy here David. If people will pay for a Wall Street Journal subscription, surely they will pay for something truly “cutting edge” like Chicago.us)

"We want to compete with the major Chicago newspapers, while at the same providing a professional showcase for student talent and those professionals in need of a serious outlet for their work" (Editor’s note: All good, except for the “serious” part. You might have a little problem convincing people on that point David).

"Plans include launching Chicago.us in Spring 2009" (Editor’s note: Well, that little deadline slipped by didn't it - but hey, when a guy is so busy lecturing other people on how to run their business, and about how they are "full of crap" if they don't follow up on what they said, who has time for following through on their own commitments!)

"We welcome your suggestions and comments" (Editor’s note: Just a suggestion, but you might try taking a few days off from the forums and actually doing something constructive for your own business. I know it isn’t as much fun as tearing other people down all day but I think youl may see better results from your own site – not that that appears to be anything you are really interested in. I’m sure a pre-occupation with what other sites are doing is far more important to your family than producing a useful site of your own).


Well, who could pass up such a deal? Apparently everyone since this January 2009 appeal resulted in not a speck of new content on Chicago.us. David could do what I and many others in this industry do and work 6-7 days and 80-90 hours a week to produce the content himself – but who would show an ounce of respect for someone that foolish? Heck no – much better to sit in the forums all day ridiculing and reviling people like that. Better to wait on those hated “major players” to clean up their act before starting to work on your own. Once they do that then of course everything that is wrong with your site and business will be magically fixed without you having to invest any time, money or energy of your own.

The truth is most of the players, large and small, have gotten ahead by actually doing something for themselves. I know it is a wild concept David, but you really should give it a try. There is an old saying, “Those who can do, those who can’t criticize.” Judging from the above, you obviously can’t do, so you resort to criticizing.

If you are going to continue to let Chicago.us – Chicago’s News Cog! languish while you berate everyone else’s work, the least you could do to maintain some shred of credibility is change you slogan to Chicago’s News CLOG. Clearly the drain is stopped up and visitors aren’t seeing any real content getting through there.

By the way, why after all of these months are you portraying yourself online as something you are not – Chicago’s News Cog. Surely, there must be something going on in the Windy City – I mean that is pretty good sized town. Didn’t the governor up that way, Blagojevich, do a few things that might have warranted a word or two from Chicago’s News Cog? You accuse others of "turning a blind eye" so why did you turn a blind eye to that? How about all of the other corruption in Chicago that is harming your readers (I mean reader)? Where are your articles and editorials spotlighting those problems? Oh right, no time for that – too busy being a complete hypocrite and telling others who actually do write, how it’s done. But then it always has been a lot tougher to build up something of your own than it is to tear down something that belongs to someone else.

Summary: What kind of jerk puts up a dead on arrival “news” site like Chicago.us then has the unmitigated gall to tell other people with real sites that theirs is a joke? My site is in your words a “poor excuse for “news” anything”? Are there no mirrors in the Corish household? What makes you think you are William Randolph Hearst with your abandoned site and its invisible news? Sorry, I forgot your business plan - it's coming as soon as you can get some kids to do all of the work for you at their expense). Can you say delusional? Any clue bells going off yet? The fact is, I am sorry to say, the real joke is on you and worse yet, it is you.

I finally decided to take your advice David and as the BS-ing spokesperson for your company I am holding you accountable.

Anytime you feel like buying my products or contributing to my cause, you are welcome to hold me accountable. Any time I highlight scumbags and fraudsters as glistening examples of role models for an industry, you are welcome to hold me accountable.

Ron, if your only shortcoming was running behind schedule building your site, you'd be garnering nothing but encouragement from the likes of me. Unfortunately, you've chosen to spin domain industry news in a particular fashion, and it is beyond obvious. You've chosen to cozy-up to, and shine the shoes of some ethically-challenged (to say the least) companies and individuals, only because they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and made a bunch of cash hawking domains, trading domains, and oh yes, typosquatting. I can't help but believe some of the ethically-challenged behavior enrichened your idols at the expense of some of your readers. Perhaps those readers consider that possibility a shortcoming on your part.

And thanks for the traffic. That's what it's all about, right?
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Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Why not just accept that DNJ is an industry publication and not the National Enquirer of domaining. Ron is not into the dark side of things, and I respect that. I do not remember DNJ trying to cover up the Snapnames scandal either.
Perhaps you're looking for militant journalism, but militant reporting is not without bias either right ?


Domain Lover
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2005
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broe-foe said:
It would be a shame to have to let a few hundred-thousand .us names drop in order to motivate Neustar to get serious and quit treating us as though we are complete idiots.
how many dot us domains other than chicago.us do you own?
are you really considering dropping chicago.us just to make a point?
Why are you so mad at the dot us registry? because they are not promoting your domain?
like Duke suggests, just promote it yourself.


Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
how many dot us domains other than chicago.us do you own?
are you really considering dropping chicago.us just to make a point?
Why are you so mad at the dot us registry? because they are not promoting your domain?
like Duke suggests, just promote it yourself.

I own 40 .us domains other than Chicago.us. I would never intentionally drop Chicago.us, it's just too valuable. I've already dropped the .us names that were expendable to make a statement. Those dropped names haven't been picked-up on the drop, so I can say that I have positively hit Neustar in the wallet. I hope they feel it, but I'm not deluding myself thinking a dozen or two renewals means anything to them.

I am mad a the .us registry because I am a paying customer who has been given lip-service by one of their "senior directors", a guy named Ivor Sequeira, who boasted back in March 2009 that much was in the works, including at least a new promotion campaign, among other things. Of course it was BS, none of it manifested thus far. So basically .us registrants help pay this guy's salary, and he is just a tool in a suit put out there to put lipstick on a pig.

Yes, I'm trying to promote it myself by developing at least one .us site and using other .us names as forwarding tools. Neustar has lots more cash than I do, and is in a much better position to get the word out. As important as Chicago.us sounds to domainers, I still get "Chicago dot-what?" from individuals to whom I give my web address. Eight years after .us went public I shouldn't have to explain what dot-us is. That should be Neustar's responsibility, not mine. Unfortunately, .us came a long while after .com in the public awareness arena, so .us needs to infuse the extension with public knowledge, not lip service to domain "news" sites. Domainers already know about .us, most others don't. I am doing my part by rewnewing names and supporting Neustar. That's what registrants do, they support the registry. The registry is responsible for the media hype for the extension as a whole.

I am able to promote my developed website(s) myself. It's silly to think I am able to take on the challenge or responsibility to promote the whole extension effectively. I do what I can. Neustar can do lots more than send a company robot in living flesh to domainer conventions promising wonderful new promotions and campaigns. They have the money, but choose not to spend it because domainers/hoarders keep renewing the names anyway.
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Anytime you feel like buying my products or contributing to my cause, you are welcome to hold me accountable

....#1) You forgot something David - you don't have a product. That would require a little effort on your part beyond the only skill you have shown to date - running your mouth and behaving like a 2-year-old. You also don't seem to have a cause other than someone please do all of my work for me for no compensation. That is not a cause a lot of people are going to rally around. All you have is a deep seated jealousy misdirected at hard working people who have succeeded while you have floundered because of your own lack of initiative - not because of anything anyone else has done or not done and that is a fact.

Your continued "do as I say, not as I do" BS is also more than a little despicable. Just which products of mine have you purchased and what have you contributed to my cause that entitles you to tell me what I should or should not be doing with my publication? That's right - as with everything else we have seen from you - a big zero - just a lot of BS talk that is not one bit different from what you criticize Neustar for. Oh, and that "running behind schedule" comment of yours - nine freaking months! How ironic that that is the same amount of time you criticize the Neustar exec for letting pass without getting something done. Once again I can only ask - any clue bells going off yet or is it still everyone else's fault but yours?

Ron, if your only shortcoming was running behind schedule building your site, you'd be garnering nothing but encouragement from the likes of me.

I beg your pardon but you are just about the last person on earth who has any room to talk about anyone else's so-called shortcomings. Really, who in the hell do you think you are? Where did you get your "pompous jerk" job - I've never seen that one in the classifieds? I don't need any encouragement from "the likes of you" - a rude and boorish know-it-all who has never given anyone any reason to respect your opinion. You have never had anything to offer but criticism and put downs - perhaps because you think it deflects attention from having no track record of your own to talk about - no constructive advice to help other people do better. I really don't know where this grossly inflated sense of self-importance of yours comes from but I can tell you it is misplaced and probably the single most unattractive trait a person can have (though constant self defeating negatism, which is also one of your calling cards, is right up there too). Good luck finding people who will ever want to work with you (though I'll admit that $0.00 salary you offer potential employees is awfully enticing - hard to believe you've had no takers).

Why are you so mad at the dot us registry? because they are not promoting your domain?
like Duke suggests, just promote it yourself.

Perish the thought! That is how everyone else does things. David apparently thinks he is entitled to have everything handed to him on a silver platter without doing a damn thing for himself like the rest of us peons have had to do.

He is superior to everyone else, so it is incumbent upon him to tell those of us who don't know any better the right way to do things (never mind that he has never succeeded at anything in this business himself - except of course BS-ing people about all the things he was going to do on his site but never did).

On the other hand I can see why he spends his time dishing out unsolicited advice - he has to have something to do with his time since he clearly isn't spending any of it on his own business. And he wonders why he is perpetually stuck in reverse.
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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2002
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Eloquent retort Ron, this guy is not worth wasting any more of your time on .. people like him thrive on the response and attention that his posts are bringing him ...

broe-foe .. your not making yourself any friends here or anywhere else in domain circles by making a personal attack on Ron Jackson who is one of the most highly respected and honest people in the domainer community ... if i were you i would stop now and find a way to apologize to Ron before you make more fool of yourself and become even more of a pariah than you already are ...


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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Eloquent retort Ron, this guy is not worth wasting any more of your time on .. people like him thrive on the response and attention that his posts are bringing him ...

Thanks Americar and yes, I know that is his only reason for constantly sh*tting in forum threads. Like most other members here, I almost always do the smart thing and ignore anonymous trolls like this as well because they are invariably nasty, bitter people who have nothing to offer and can't think of any other way to get attention. Since this particular one was such an obvious BS artist and his record was there to prove it, I decided if he wanted the attention so much, he could have it this time so people can see exactly what he has "accomplished" that qualifies him to tell others what they should or shouldn't be doing in their businesses. As expected that turned out to be - nothing - and that is always the case with people like this.


Account Terminated
Legacy Gold Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Why not just accept that DNJ is an industry publication and not the National Enquirer of domaining. Ron is not into the dark side of things, and I respect that. I do not remember DNJ trying to cover up the Snapnames scandal either.
Perhaps you're looking for militant journalism, but militant reporting is not without bias either right ?

I beg to differ. I believe DNJ reports on some very dark characters in the industry. I believe the reporting is done with blinders on. A nerve is hit when that opinion is proffered.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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I am mad a the .us registry because I am a paying customer who has been given lip-service by one of their "senior directors", a guy named Ivor Sequeira, who boasted back in March 2009 that much was in the works, including at least a new promotion campaign, among other things. Of course it was BS, none of it manifested thus far.
Come on, did you truly believe Neustar would really come up with something :)

Now I take no offense at bashing Neustar or holding them accountable, after all there is taxpayer money (yours) involved.
But to begin with, shouldn't the US authorities at various levels lead by example and ditch .gov, .mil (not to mention the US-dominated .edu) in favor of .us. Why put all the blame on Neustar or DNJ ?

As the saying goes, whiners always find excuses, winners make it happen.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 15, 2002
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whiners always find excuses

David Corish's life story in a four-word nutshell.

I believe DNJ reports on some very dark characters in the industry.

I agree. Just reported on one in this thread. A proven Bullsh*t artist from Mission Viejo, California named David Corish, who is guilty of the very thing he moans and wails about Neustar doing to him. Back in January 2009 (even before Neustar's exec made his comments) BS artist Corish was boasting about his Chicago.us "news" site. I'm not a Neustar fan either, but I am even less a fan of do nothing hypocrtites like David. By the way, how is your report on the shady characters in Chicago coming along David? Why the blinders? Oh, I forgot, the rules you apply to others don't apply to you or your so-called "news" site - coming in Spring 2009 - which has no reports on anything. You continue to impress at every turn.
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