Some of you are totally missing the 'address bar' issue, so I'll restate it:
Microsoft would offer free high speed wireless internet (not dial-up!), and it would fire up a browser initially without an address bar, just links to what they want to send you. Remember, nearly all computers today are sold with wireless installed, so you would connect OUT OF THE BOX, the VERY FIRST TIME, on FIRST bootup, nothing to do at all. That's far different from having to dial up an ISP or SMS where you have to buy a phone.
Benefit to MS: All of the PPC revenue for these users would go into MS's pockets, there are no typo's or easy way to navigate out. MS already has 1) the cash to do this and 2) already embarrassed that MSN search is terrible and needs a home run to beat Google.
Now - the other possibility is Google could do this, but they would have to launch their own browser, which launches only to of course. They have a lot of cash and are known to have separate teams ALREADY WORKING ON THIS for the nay-sayers. They really want to push Google Local, and this would do it because the wifi broadcast can certainly give absolute location data, so this makes sense.
Benefit to users: Savings of $300 - $1,000 year in ISP costs, no ISP subscription hassles, possibly faster than existing setup. People will go for this IN DROVES.