I'm 42 years old, and live in pottsville PA USA. Most of you never even heard of pottsville most likely.
Some history:
It's coal country around here, they use to call us coal crackers. Before there was big oil, big coal ruled the USA and just a few miles from my home. The richest guy in the US, back then live there to control his coal mines. Metal factorys, all use the coal to run them back then.
The first oil well in the USA, was drilled in Oil city PA. The first Cable TV was started just a few miles from my house as well, the guy still live there and did not become very rich from it. He sold it to his local electric co back then, the guy run a cable from the top of the mountain to start it.
The Molly Maguires, lived just a few miles from here as well. They have the rope, that a few of them was hung by at the court in pottsville on disply. The history is pretty rich around here, many things from around here shaped the USA for sure. It was once the biggest factor, in shaping things that come later on.