Do you have sedoPro?
It is hardly useless. I have no "Offers for you Domains" showing up in my sidebar menu. I have "Offers Received". Every offer ever made complete with domain name, date, and amount is right there for easy viewing.
Apparently my time spent on attempting to assist you is useless and wasteful.
I didn't mean to say you help was useless; sorry if it came out that way. I meant what Sedo offers is useless.
To be exact, I have "Offers Received" and "Offers You Have Made"
I have Sedopro and have 5000 domains listed there. You can imagine the number of offers and that have been made and received. It's true that all the threads are listed. However, this is the problem:
I cannot search for a particular domain name. I must page though scores, imore likely hundreds of pages to find the offers for a name. And I cannot stop when I find one, because it will only tell me about that one negotiation. I want to see all the negotiations. They do have the info available as I can see it when someone sends me a new offer through the link on the offer page, so they could make it available.
All they have to do is replicate what you get on an active offer thread page when you click on the "Bidding History for this Domain" link. That's all. Just give us a field where we enter the name and it pops it up. Simple.
There is something about Sedo that they will just not do the simple things that would make their system better. I've emailed them at least a dozen simple, yet very good ideas that I've thought of and that I've read requested on the boards. No interest. Maybe it's the 35 hour European work week and practically guaranteed jobs there. Who knows. They could start with their absolutely useless categories they have. I don't them they don't even need to think--just copy Afternic's nearly perfect categories. Too much trouble I guess.
Sorry, I went on a Sedo rant again.