Originally posted by nameslave
>schmidte: Hyphenated Masterpieces!!!!
Sorry, but whenever it's hyphenated, it's NOT gonna be a masterpiece.
I have written many times about web-based.com which I had not been able to sell for as low as $300 over 3 years before I let it expired.
web-based.com is already the kind of name that the hyphenated version is actually BETTER than the non-hyphenated: webbased.com doesn't look good, right?
You're right nameslave....Hyphenated Masterpieces=oxymoron..
If I were to put just "hyphenated names" I would of had a big fat 0 in the views column..............lol.....let's call it a consumer curiosity ploy!!!
I going to hang on to the names until the "hyphen syndrome" and "E and I negativity" runs its course. Actually some of the comments from the members have given me hope. Member "2003" states: "E/I are out", and to a certain extent thats true. But they'll comeback!! (by the way, as I'm typing this, there's an Eloan.com commercial on TV and in the middle of the screen in big letters is E-Loan!!!!...how ironic.) I'm a firm believer in trends going in cycles, the E and I will make a come back. As long as there is Ebay, Etrade, Eloan and Eonline I'm not going to give up.
It's kind of funny.........I just reviewed the EC.com post and here are some of the suggestions for the letters EC........
and the one they finally deceided on was ECommerce, and during the thread there was some dicussion on wheather to put a hyphen between the E and C. So, this tells me that the letter E isn't as dead as I'm being lead to believe and the hyphen isn't either. My 2 cents worth.
Thanks for you comments nameslave.