Raider, I am sorry! I was just trying to make sure that I have no idea where the tax issue was raised but I do pay taxes

....grudgingly, but they get paid!
I got this from Simon today... Any feedback?
Simon <
[email protected]>to
Starpower Domains <
[email protected]>,
Mon, May 4, 2009 at 8:16 PMsubject
hide details 8:16 PM (15 minutes ago)
Patty, I have someone who is trying to sell our domains. He needs us
in turn to buy his domains, which will be done by me. That is if he
sells the names for e.g. 80K, then I buy his names for 8K. But the
domains appear to belong to you, so can you email him to tell that you
will buy his names in that proportion (1/10 of sale value, plus
commission of course). I can send his email for you to follow up.