I think one of the things that's happening here is miscommunication - I get completely what Billbo was saying before. It's hard to explain but Brits and Americans are different creatures (again I reference my girlfriend) often the slightest thing can be taken the wrong way (regarding the patriotism bits).
I think you're all very patriotic like I said, plus I think Billbo thinks that too
You're joking now right? Union Flags in UK are everywhere...
Maroullis you are so wrong. Outside London, they are very very very rarely seen flying. Inside London, they are seen on government buildings. They are never seen flying on people's house porches, never on a car bumber sticker.
(only other places you'll see the flag is on tourist hats and knickers in the tourist shops, but that's very different to residents displaying flags)
Here in the states (everywhere I've been - New York, Boston, Philly, DC, Mid West) people proudly hang the flag on their house steps, and on their lawn, in their car windows.... This is very different to the UK... and I have nothing against it whatsoever... quite nice in a way, it shows unity...
... and the only reason you are labeled as a racist is because the country at large has severe issues w/minorities....
Ok, I really need to clear this up.
Personally, I'm no where near racist (I'm sure you weren't meaning that anyway), secondly I the majority of Britain isn't racist (so it's a little bit inflamatory how you said 'you are labeled racist because...')
I no where near said that.
The thing that I said was about flying the flag outside my door would be seen to some as racist.
This really is an interesting topic to discuss, but it's a big one
And here's the main ideas behind what i said above:
(1) Union Flag flying - is seen redundant to some (especially some welsh and some scots who feel that they have their own national identity (although not with all - some have fought in wars, and hold the union flag dear to them) nb. this is the British flag, and not the English flag (St. George's Cross - is England's flag and more English are identifying with that flag rather than the British flag).
(2) Sometimes people in the UK might be over sensitive to showing flags because groups such as the BNP have made the Union Flag one of their symbols and in using it have offended minorities. Again this is the few - meaning that the BNP does not represent the majority.
There really is much more to this debate, but maroulis I think you have to question what you said before.