Originally posted by CoolHost
I distinctly remember this very same debate with the .TV domains. Remember them?
Now domains aside but comparing Tavalu (is is still afloat?) with US is not even funny. I truly believe that in the case of .US it won't be even "domain thingy" in its ususal sense. It'd be a nationalistic/patriotic phenomenon combined with the huge recognition factor of the two letters (US), how it sounds meaningfully as a word..."us"...unlike most other ccTlds (.de; .cc; .ws; .bz, and even .com & .org. @ their introduction) and much more....watch for 2004 elections with some high-profile candidates using .US; especially if Presidential candidates get on board....may be even Neustar can remind/encourage them to do so. Let me tell you, and may be its just me, I've never felt so strongly about the future of a tld even though I've lots more (and of much higher caliber) domains in other (new) tlds.
I also do put my $$ where my mouth is. Just earlier this PM regged the following nine; none are eye-poppers (those were long gone back in April & May) but they're all well-researched and targetted qualifying them for decent speculative regs.
I usually don't put them up for valuations now since its just too early for that; right now all one can hope for is the feedback whether his/her speculative endevours remains on track or weering off too much into the slippery slope....but to some extent that would be subjective too depending how you feel about the future of .US; complicated stuff!!