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Wanted: Domain I love you..

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Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I don't get it. What is it looking at to know what Microsoft and Office Depot (example companies) are looking to buy? Or would it be just their ability to pay or what?? So it is looking at a companies yearly revenue?

Stats as far as what the potential buyers ability to buy the domain at whatever price you have in your head.

So for instance, this is way out in left field but.. You have, Say Microsoft and Office Depot are in the list. The ranking would go something like this, high to low.

1. Microsoft
2. Office Depot

It is pulled from general information of their company profile.

hope this helps.


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I don't get it. What is it looking at to know what Microsoft and Office Depot (example companies) are looking to buy? Or would it be just their ability to pay or what?? So it is looking at a companies yearly revenue?

okay.. this is crazy, but hell I am here to help. Or try..

Who would have more use for the name based on past activity.

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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okay.. this is crazy, but hell I am here to help. Or try..

Who would have more use for the name based on past activity.

:) It's ok. I'm just trying to find out what defines "past activity" in your software. I need to know because I want to feel confident your software is accurate before I hand out my home address and I know others feel the same. :)


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I don't get it. What is it looking at to know what Microsoft and Office Depot (example companies) are looking to buy? Or would it be just their ability to pay or what?? So it is looking at a companies yearly revenue?

:) It's ok. I'm just trying to find out what defines "past activity" in your software. I need to know because I want to feel confident your software is accurate before I hand out my home address. :)

I understand and you know how it is where you think you are explaining everything clearly but then realize that you really aren't :)

So back to the example, Microsoft just bought so it would have fed off this piece of information. To be honest, this is still a tricky section of the software just because there is a lot of information that is kept under wraps. So this will be forever a work in progress.

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I understand and you know how it is where you think you are explaining everything clearly but then realize that you really aren't :)

So back to the example, Microsoft just bought so it would have fed off this piece of information. To be honest, this is still a tricky section of the software just because there is a lot of information that is kept under wraps. So this will be forever a work in progress.

Neat-o! So it can also pull from domainer news feeds, compare and profile companies, I take it.

The only person who knows your software is you. So, it might take a few different explanations before people can "get it". I learned that the hard way.

I think that's all the questions I have, except the backend; what computer programming language is it written in? I, personally, have a custom computer with different than normal configurations and need to know if it's compatible before I screw up my nice PC!! Thanks, democrat for helping me!


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Neat-o! So it can also pull from domainer news feeds, compare and profile companies, I take it.

The only person who knows your software is you. So, it might take a few different explanations before people can "get it". I learned that the hard way.

I think that's all the questions I have, except the backend; what computer programming language is it written in? I, personally, have a custom computer with different than normal configurations and need to know if it's compatible before I screw up my nice PC!! Thanks, democrat for helping me!

No problem Tia,

There is a feature that will enable you to pull from the forums but I never liked it as I was getting offers that were defeating the whole purpose of what I was doing with the software.

There are some downfalls. LLL are weird. You will get incredible results. I mean you will get pulls from every direction. I want to be able to tweak that but it isn't looking super pretty.

So whoever is feeling like a rockstar and wants to try this out. Then send me, grim re- oh I mean Patty your address and let's see how you guys pan out.

Again, why am I doing this? The title says it all!

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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It makes me wonder why DNJournal hasn't figured this out because they could use something automatic to populate their recent sales list. You have a gold mine dear!

No problem Tia,

There is a feature that will enable you to pull from the forums but I never liked it as I was getting offers that were defeating the whole purpose of what I was doing with the software.

There are some downfalls. LLL are weird. You will get incredible results. I mean you will get pulls from every direction. I want to be able to tweak that but it isn't looking super pretty.

So whoever is feeling like a rockstar and wants to try this out. Then send me, grim re- oh I mean Patty your address and let's see how you guys pan out.

Again, why am I doing this? The title says it all!


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
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i'm always a skeptic, so...

one thing that is assumed by this "end-user finder software" by you potential consumers and is perpetrated by it's promoter

is that "any of the companies forementioned or generated by such product have shown any intent, interest or history of buying domains, or have the need for a particular domain."

thus each potential consumer of this product assumes that each result is a potential buyer

if the same results are generated for each user, or very similar, then it is only a spam generator

how likely is it that home depot or any high profile company will want your domain?

i would think that one should be able to show an actual screenshot, images of the various platform structure, result views, imput views, etc. if there is an actual product or beta version, before you load in your pc.

also, why no online download for this product?

anyone can put their domain name or keywords in every SE and spam the resulting url's contact info.
how is this product different, better than, or similar to that?



Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Neat-o! So it can also pull from domainer news feeds, compare and profile companies, I take it.

The only person who knows your software is you. So, it might take a few different explanations before people can "get it". I learned that the hard way.

I think that's all the questions I have, except the backend; what computer programming language is it written in? I, personally, have a custom computer with different than normal configurations and need to know if it's compatible before I screw up my nice PC!! Thanks, democrat for helping me!

It makes me wonder why DNJournal hasn't figured this out because they could use something automatic to populate their recent sales list. You have a gold mine dear!

Well maybe this will start the wheels to turning for people to create even something better and compile it all into one thing instead of scrambling around trying to find everything that is going to supposedly help them.

It's compatible with PC's as I am not a Mac ho. Make sure you are running the latest java :)

I have many ideas where this one came from.

You must like calling me a democrat as per my name.. Ha ha ha! I am a free bird when it comes to politics.


Like I stated, it's just something I created to initially help me instead of having various programs. Then I started getting people who were saying that it would be a GREAT tool for others.

The example given was just an example.

you will get other companies that may have use for the names you have. I really can't say as I don't know what the name you will be inputting into the software.

You will not get the same results for different names, I haven't but then again, I have a variety of different names.

I was feeling nice and I thought this would be a great tool for domainers. It's cool to be skeptic but I have essentially gave all information as I am comfortable with. I still want to do additional work. The people I send to, I hope will send me feedback on what can be better, what needs to go, etc..

I could have it uploaded and have an online download but I see the hackers and the bots and the last thing I want is any additional issues. software on CD gives you a hand of exclusivity or so I would think.

You aren't inclined to send me your address and I am just as happy keeping it in the pile of software I have created in the past. No sweat off my back.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Can we see some screenshots, this is too much of a tease offer.

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I could have it uploaded and have an online download but I see the hackers and the bots and the last thing I want is any additional issues. software on CD gives you a hand of exclusivity or so I would think.

You created software but you don't know how to publish it online and keep the hackers and bots away? :p That's weird.


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I do know but there is complications in that realm.. I'll PM you the reason..

i do know how to do the stuff, I personally am not looking to flip out as I have had some weird luck in regards to a safe operating system ;-)
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Level 6
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2009
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I know I am digging up an old thread, but I have about 50 in all, reserved 10 for Facebook people and the remainder are for DNF. Everyone who responded to this thread, please send me your address as I want to mail you the CD with the software. It's completely harmless and all I ask is that you give me feedback.


just a quick note: This software is not the golden key to instant cash, you still have to work at it!

Patty, what about those of us overseas... ;) .Would the offer of mailing the CD stand.. Isin't it possible to have a secure iso file with individual download links ?


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I thought a CD would be a great way, offer more security but dudes and ettes'. I will talk to the programmer again when he gets back and see if he can upload the software online for me. Unfortunate part, is he won't be back for a few weeks. I'll come back in a few weeks with a link!

i have had some people ask, the software is 222.5 MB

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Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
I thought a CD would be a great way, offer more security but dudes and ettes'. I will talk to the programmer again when he gets back and see if he can upload the software online for me. Unfortunate part, is he won't be back for a few weeks. I'll come back in a few weeks with a link!


:( So you're going to make me wait weeks and weeks.


Level 10
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
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We are all looking for a way to get more end users buying, I am not sure if software is the answer to this but who knows.

If you are looking for beta testers I am interested.



Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
:( So you're going to make me wait weeks and weeks.

not at all.. I am just seeing how people are hesitant and I'll just have my dude upload it all that snazzy stuff when he gets back..
If you want it, you know how to get a hold of me to obtain it.

Yeah, I know it's hard to believe that I am somewhat smart and I can come up with cool things to enhance my working ability. That's what my 9th grade teacher said when I came to class for science fore presentation, he later told me that I had potential if I put aside the class clown routine..


Pink Lover!
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 20, 2007
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I don't doubt someone's smarts just their credibility when what they are saying doesn't add up.

But good luck with your project.
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