:evil: Dude, I am right there with you....I have regged $2000 worth of .coms this last month...I use godaddy and get them for $6.19 each....just add the traffic facts item ($1.99) and it makes the domains 3.99...then you go in and cancel it for renewal with one click in the control panel...if you do them one at a time (which i dont) you can use the code
candy or
usa6 or
usa7 and it takes $1 off your whole order (which can make them $5.19/each indiv.) for a year thats super cheap.....I did this a year and a half ago too and got almost every RFID domain there was to be had...still have about 200 of them..lol, they will be HUGE in the future..
I always seem to get about 25% stuff i dont need though...like an "s" at the end of each one or without, etc....and if you get a shockingly good .com dont bother getting the .net's and .org's as they are almost always there later if you need them and nobody really wants them anyways...just a tip to save some cash!
also, alot of my reg's are from droplists..not new stuff i made up
some new ones:
and alot of others I just dont want to show