My contribution below:
Does the ICANN committee wish to attain notoriety by being known as the very few that damaged so many in so little time, through these proposals?
Put aside for a minute your personal agendas, capitalist driving force and current perception of the domain market's particulars.
Removing the pricing caps and allowing the Registries to facilitate tiered pricing would be a disastrous move. How would each domain name, be it .ORG,.BIZ,.INFO be evaluated? Who would weigh the millions of domains worldwide and tag them with a separate or approximate price?
We are not opposed to price-increasing, within reason. It has not been a long time since Verisign/Network Solutions charged $50 per year per domain. The Internet moved forward by removing the Registrar monopolies and by keeping prices competitive.
We are opposed to the predictable anarchy, chaos and across-the-board destruction that will occur if those loopholes are not closed and if the proposed agreements are implemented as they are, without ensuring protection of the end-users, commercial operators and investors. Legal battles can and *will* carry on for years at a full world scale, by everyone who would be affected by this committee's single act of foresight lacking.
You're holding the button to the first Internet War - and it will truly be global this time.
Theo Develegas
Acroplex Technologies LLC