britishbulldog said:
What i do not understand why was sex,poker,casino and other good domains were selling so cheap on ebay ? is it because there are that many idns in various languages noone know what its very confusing and i think that where the money is in these countries is those who are taught english,those who cant cant aford to feed themselves never mind a computer especially in the poorer countries.
The english language is taught in most foreign schools and it will not change for the forseeble future ! think what you like its fact and i would prefer to own in english rather than the indian version.
This is as touchring has pointed out all about marketing. You need to segment the market and evaluate the viability of each segment.
The Chinese market in pure number terms is much greater than the US. but the level of disposable income is also much lower. The US market is therefore more valuable. This situation, however, is changing rapidly with a rapid rise in living standards in China. The importance of grabbing market share in an emerging market is also a factor. If you can establish market leadership early then the payback will come later.
English is widely understood, but it is not the primary means of communication in many key markets. Many Japanese understand English but online where possible most use Japanese. The same holds true for most other areas where English is widely spoken but is not the primary medium for commercial exchange.
Yes, I agree that I would love That is not to say that its equivalents either in IDN or ccTLDs are worthless. If you can still pick them up for reg fee, the chances are you would make a very substantial return on your investment. Your chances of owning are virtually nil, the price you would have to pay huge and the risk of not getting a return on your investment substantial.
The cleverest play in my opinion in the poker sector is This is a succesful brand in the West and it significance is easily understood throughout the Far East, and you don't need to use any characters that won't be universal.
Best Regards
Dave Wrixon
rawkinrich said:
I think its because people want to make a quick dollar, rather than keeping on to them for future investments. Or it could be the punycode IDN, which I believe is not supported anymore?
You seem to be a little confused. All IDN are now in punycode.
Yes, there are too types of operator here and some with a mix strategy. You can either buy to sell or invest for longer-term returns from traffic, when it materialises in commercial volumes.
The secondary market is only just getting established. If you want to sell quickly, as with many conventional domains even dot com, then you need to set the price very low.
I don't frankly believe that this strategy is the way to go. Yes domains are selling, many are frankly worthless, as in my view that have no real market application and may even be deleted because they are in mixed scripts, which can no longer be registered due to phishing concerns. Those that are valuable are being sold far too cheaply in relation to their potential value. Having said that some domainers are turning over domains, so that they can use the money to expand their portfolios even further. A lot depends on you resources and your ability to replace sold names with names of equivalent value.
I am actually just letting a lot of domains drop. I am trying to keep a lid on the size of my portfolio at least until it becomes self-sustaining. Good new opportunities are being registered, whilst fair to poor opportunities are being let go. Nobody can afford to buy and hold everything. In my view it better to let less interesting investments drop than to sell off the family silver to finance them.
Best Regards
Dave Wrixon