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If it wasnt for 20+ domain parking companies I wouldn't of been able to earn six figs

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Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Dude you are already laughing stock at Domainstate, now let me enlightenyou - for development of one domain you need from couple of weeks and one person to a big team and years. Whatever you or Marchex or Whypark etc. does is not development but putting scraps/MFA pages, period.

I have semi-scrap/semi-developed i.e., I am not much proud of that still it took one person 3 weeks to do that crap. I would consider developed because it is working and popular search engine.

Nobody can "mass develop" anything, but it is possible to put mass scrap pages with free content copied gazillion times already, weather and stock quotes tickers and crap like that. But that is not devleopment, it is not, it is not, it is not.

you should really spend 5 mins on doing your research since you know nothing about the service which you slammed in your previous post

whypark is indeed using scrapped pages

all web sites we "mass develop" via the service for clients use custom written and unique content

read the services section in my url --- it is mentioned right there as well as a few other details which you may find interesting ;)

we spend 50% of the time on content creation and the remaining 50% is on the search engine optimization end

anyways, just because you cannot pull off mass development of 100s or 1000s of domains properly, doesn't mean it is impossible

i have been doing it for years, and the search engines, advertisers and users love the finished product

win-win for all at the end of the day, everybody is happy

it's just people like you that don't get it who try to turn it into something negative ;)

don't be a sour loser, learn about how you too can do it, i've put out there plenty of information... collect bits and pieces from other resources as well and you can turn something negative into positive, try it sometime

and once again, before you try to slam somebody in the future --- you need to do your research and think twice mister chinese rebel becuase you will become quickly the laughing stock of a domain community -- you don't want that right?? ;)

or maybe you do??? :lol: :lol:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 5, 2004
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mister chinese rebel
Huh ? Why you keep repeating that. I am not Chinese, so can I call you Mongoloid rebel ? You must be more Mongoloid than me Chinese...

From your current mass-spammings of forums with lenghty, nonsense blabber one can conclude that your mental desease is spreading rapidly.
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DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 6, 2007
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The year was 2005 and I had been domaining "professionally" for close to one year and accumulated a domain portfolio with thousands of domain names mostly focused on Music/Movies/Games, basically domains within the entertainment niche as well as a lot of Adult/Porn related domain names. I had a lot of traffic too coming in to all of this domains which were all of generic nature as well as ones that were expired or "foreclosed" sites which I picked up once they expired... I never really liked domains that just sounded cool but didn't have the potential to generate traffic, I did buy some of those, for example 3 letter .net and .org and single word names in com/net/org but flipped them as fast as I could. Most of the domains I kept were consistent traffic generating domains which I picked up for anywhere from $10 to $20 over at GoDaddy or eNom Club Drop or $60 at most over at Pool / SnapNames. I was never a big spender on any one particular domain name but went after many domains each and every day... Consistently. This was my one and only strategy... To acquire a lot of domains that receive traffic.

But all this traffic from domain names wasn't converting so well when it was parked. The click through rates were really low, barely at 10 percent across my portfolio, peaking at 20% sometimes at certain parking companies, but the payouts were even more depressing... Not even 20 cents per click... Some names did manage to get a bit more but that was the exception. So I had a domain portfolio that was generating a few hundred bucks per day from thousands of domain names that I paid six figures for... Great? No.. Not really, I wasn't happy with it. You are probably thinking to yourself... With a ROI of about anywhere from as low as 12 month's and maximum 24 month's --- it is pretty good... But I wasn't thinking like that. I knew there was more money to be made. I wanted to make the most of what I got one way or another and I was determined to find a way to do so.

At that time, there was at least 20 domain parking companies that were offering their domain monetization services. I had opened accounts at all of them of course. I tried out at least a few hundred of my domain names at each and every service for at least a week or two. I managed my domains and optimized them as best as I could but the results were pretty much all the same everywhere I went. I spent more than six month's going from parking company to parking company hoping to find that perfect partner that will pay a little more, at least double up the payouts and convert the traffic better by maybe 10% and I'd be happy... Nope, it didn't happen. The results were all the same across the board. I came to the conclusion that either the traffic wasn't as good as I thought or the domain parking companies were really underpaying me.

I decided that enough is enough... Something just isn't working out with domain parking and it was time for change. I was not happy with approximately 90% of the visitors leaving my domains without even clicking on any of the links, 90% of the traffic going to waste and the payouts fluctuating as well... Not good. There was no consistency with parking whatsoever. Also the traffic declined slowly month after month. So, I went ahead and setup my own parking page. I first visited some of the websites that were showing up on my parked pages as sponsored ads, signed up for their affiliate program if they had one, grabbed the url with my affiliate code in it and plugged it in my own custom parked page. It was nothing fancy... Nothing too sophisticated or out of the ordinary. Just a regular web page with big blue textlinks and a good call to action. I setup 5 custom parked pages total which were self hosted and managed for each category and manually redirected all of the thousands of my domains to them accordingly. I had setup custom parked pages for music, games, movies, dating and porn originally. Later on I setup custom pages with relevant ads on even more.

My top performing category was Porn and second best was Dating... The other three didn't do as great but they still earned more money as compared to when they were parked. Overall, once I switched up all of my domain names to point to my own custom parked pages, which only took about a few hours to make the DNS change, the next day my revenue had increased more than 5x from direct affiliate sales. The following day it increased 7x. The third day was even better... The week after it was close to 12x. After about one month, I compared my monthly statistics and I had earned more than 1000% more. I made more in one month that I would of made in one year with domain parking. But how is this possible? What the hell... Was I just lucky? No! Going direct is where the money is... Duh!

You see, the sponsored advertisements on parked domains are mostly from search engine marketers. They buy up a lot of advertisements on Google and Yahoo... Why? Because they are promoting affiliate programs. They are "resellers" of whatever product or service. Lets take for example. A search engine marketer signs up for the affiliate program, buys up PPC ads over at Google/Yahoo which are displayed on parked domain names...and if there is indeed a sale / lead generated through one of the links that the search engine marketer placed, he will get a 5% commission from --- if it was for a $1000 reservation, he gets $50. Search engine marketers or "affiliates" generally bid up based on quantity and not quality, so they try to acquire as much traffic as possible... This increases their chances of getting more sales.... Lottery style.

A lot of times the ads they setup to be displayed for many keywords aren't relevant. I remember many times having half if not more of the ads displayed on my parked pages which weren't even on-topic or even remotely close. For example I would have a games domain that would display dating, gambling or finance links on it... What the hell? How is that relevant! That surely isn't going to interest a "gamer" visiting my game site... So you get what I am saying. This is partially the reason why maybe my traffic wasn't converting as well --- the sponsored advertisements weren't on-topic... Not the best user experience if you know what I mean.

As for the payouts, obviously the profits were being split five ways. The affiliate is always offering either a revenue share or a fixed payout for a sale/lead. So the affiliate was paying the search engine marketer to promote the product/service or whatever who was paying Google/Yahoo in order to display his advertisements to potential users who may be interested in the product/services, Google/Yahoo are syndicating the advertising inventory to it's "partners" and paying the parking company who pays out the domain owners who parks the domain. By the time you get paid, it is only a fraction of what the actual traffic / value of the click was bidded up and actually may be worth.

So, I eliminated all this middlemen and went direct to the affiliate and top of the chain. The results were mind blowing. Over 1000% increase in less than a month!! Traffic continued to grow as well instead of decline like it used to for all the month's that I had my domains parked... If it wasn't for those 20 parking companies, I don't think I would of ever figured out that going direct is where the real money is... I was stubborn enough though and knew deep down inside that the traffic is worth more and obviously it is. If it wasn't for trying out all those parking companies I would of never clearly understood that they are paying pennies compared to what each and every visitor may be worth. Sure, they provided a simple and efficient way to make money off the traffic without doing much but come on... It is only a tiny fraction. A little optimization paid off big time.

By not going direct you are missing out on too many opportunities and leaving so much money on the table. My problem wasn't me being lazy, my problem was that I trusted and believed in all the hot shots saying that domain parking is where the money is... It is true, there is money to be made parking domains but there is even more money to be made by going direct to the source. A lot more money. Try it for yourself... Visit one of your highly trafficked parked domains, sign up with all of the websites that show up as sponsored ads on your parked domain, setup a simple web page with your affiliate links embedded in them... The results should be quiet interesting to say the least. This is nothing new obviously, and many have tried this and doing this already, but if you haven't experimented with this as of late --- you need to. There is tons of good affiliate programs out there offering revenue shares as much as 80% and fixed payouts on even free sign ups... The money is there --- go get it!

thx :yo:

Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Huh ? Why you keep repeating that. I am not Chinese, so can I call you Mongoloid rebel ? You must be more Mongoloid than me Chinese...

From your current mass-spammings of forums with lenghty, nonsense blabber one can conclude that your mental desease is spreading rapidly.

Business Location

thought you were chinese, whatever, doesn't matter what you are, could care less so please save the explanation for somebody else if you got one coming

anyways... that is just your opinion as far as the lengthy writings go --- you are a small minority that thinks so, everybody else is loving it, they are taking it all in and making use of the information

educate yourself, instead of dismiss everything so easily and you may get somewhere in life...

look at Acro --- do you wanna end up like him?! with tens of thousands of posts... big accomplishments

he has been stuck thinking that designing cool graphics for websites and parking .net and .org domains is going to lead you to success and riches --- yea right !! :lol:

you are a smart man, no ?

do your homework, and don't try to slam me again, mister rebel

it's a waste of your time and mine as well...

i'll rather talk strategies and do something productive on here than go back and forth with non sense
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Dr Nump

Call me Doc !
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
Dude you are already laughing stock at Domainstate, now let me enlightenyou - for development of one domain you need from couple of weeks and one person to a big team and years. Whatever you or Marchex or Whypark etc. does is not development but putting scraps/MFA pages, period.

I have semi-scrap/semi-developed i.e., I am not much proud of that still it took one person 3 weeks to do that crap. I would consider developed because it is working and popular search engine.

Nobody can "mass develop" anything, but it is possible to put mass scrap pages with free content copied gazillion times already, weather and stock quotes tickers and crap like that. But that is not devleopment, it is not, it is not, it is not.

I tend to agree with Denny, there are no tool or service to "mass development".
"mass development" only work for catchy domains that receiving good amount of type-in traffic. And I have to say those type of domains do not available nowadays. To develop an individual domain until it get good traffic that may convert, you should pay much work and time and it should be done constantly.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
Mike was banned within 30 days at a private domain forum that's by invitation only. He was posting the same crazy stuff ad nauseum; he made more posts there in a month than what I have in a year. Mike, keep up the crap about how you have developed thousands of domains and when asked to give samples you refuse to. Tell us how you make money out of Mr. Six Figures...


Level 10
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Mike was banned within 30 days at a private domain forum that's by invitation only. He was posting the same crazy stuff ad nauseum; he made more posts there in a month than what I have in a year. Mike, keep up the crap about how you have developed thousands of domains and when asked to give samples you refuse to. Tell us how you make money out of Mr. Six Figures...


Dr Nump

Call me Doc !
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
Mike was banned within 30 days at a private domain forum that's by invitation only. He was posting the same crazy stuff ad nauseum; he made more posts there in a month than what I have in a year. Mike, keep up the crap about how you have developed thousands of domains and when asked to give samples you refuse to. Tell us how you make money out of Mr. Six Figures...

If there are "mass development" tool that work for thousands of domains , then all we need to get rich is just to buy more and more domains. Hows great!


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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I deal mostly in adult now, cams and dating convert $$$$$$$$$

Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Mike was banned within 30 days at a private domain forum that's by invitation only. He was posting the same crazy stuff ad nauseum; he made more posts there in a month than what I have in a year. Mike, keep up the crap about how you have developed thousands of domains and when asked to give samples you refuse to. Tell us how you make money out of Mr. Six Figures...

hey mr. wiseass, long time no see

you missed me i guess??

as for being banned on -- the place that was setup by members that got banned from Rick Schwartz board and mostly non-active domainers (newbies) interested in small talk and politics... well, i tried it out, obviously it didn't work out...but i was there for more than a month for the record ;)

once again, always wrong...

always lying

always provoking, you little bad ass trouble maker....

what are u trying to prove here online? what u are the coolest member ever ?? ;)

u suck at this stuff, when are u going to give up?

get a life

i was member at Rick's board since 2005, and god knows me and Rick Schwartz disagreed on many occasions but he never banned me or told me to shut up --- it was a place to carry on with various discussions and decency... when Rick closed his board it was suggested to me to try out DBR which seemed ok at first but then i got ganged up by a bunch of newbies....probly your best friends..we went at it, blah blah...ppl just dont know how to carry on with civil convos anymore, and always attack, kinda like u do ;)

YOU weren't at arent at other private and SEO exclusive boards where i was and am... you were all this yrs at DBR and DNF roaming with newbies and web hostingtalk... doing what u do

talk talk talk... about BS

lol :lol: :lol::lol::lol:

get a clue

until next time... :eek:k:

ps--- cool ur ego

its getting uncool with the personal attacks :lol:

u are the laughing stock of the domain community....
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Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
Mike, took your pills today?

Please show us a few of the "thousands of domains" you've developed and monetized.

Otherwise, I call you a liar in public. A serial liar with a serious problem.

For a self-professed college dropout with zero skills, you have some balls to keep it up.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Mike, took your pills today?

Please show us a few of the "thousands of domains" you've developed and monetized.

Otherwise, I call you a liar in public. A serial liar with a serious problem.

For a self-professed college dropout with zero skills, you have some balls to keep it up.


you want to be as cool as me and get banned from a forum or something !?

come on --- no need for that

you won't be able to complete your quest and achieve 50,000 posts

cool it...

go work on your dngator website or something

it needs some work :lol:

...lots of work :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Enough with the lame pictures Batman.. Stop trying to kill threads!

Mods are going to take that feature away from you on day. :yes:


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
Mike, it's talk the talk, now walk the walk.

Show us some of the web sites you "mass developed" Mr. 6 figures. I'm not the only one who pointed out your lame claims are fake and ridiculous.

Otherwise, all the sales pitch ramble you post here is SPAM.
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