I would add an option to exclude a thread from the search engines. Likely scenario: Someone posts a name for sale for reseller price on the forum, and doesnt sell. Then an end user comes along and he will not pay end user price because he google'd the domain name and found that the seller was offering it in the past for a fraction of his current asking price
That's a great idea, especially because of the appraisal threads, too, which you often find on page 1 of Google (dot) com results. That's "Google (dot) com" results. An option for past and current threads would certainly give people a welcome break from that after so long.
I would also restore the ability to change one's user name for everyone who used to be able to, at no more than it cost before, so that people can get the same mileage out of their built up DNF$ as they had expected to before the curtain dropped. Now, I noticed an Exclusive just changed his, so I'm guessing maybe they all still can? There's no way to escape your post history, and the watchful eyes of the mods and more vigilant members abound, so I don't believe there's really any significant risk of it being too easy to use as a cloak to continue wreaking havoc and going about doing evil if you've already been a bad apple in the forum, as some may have suggested in the past. And after all, even Exclusives can stumble into temptation under the right circumstances, can't they?
Well, I liked the previous skin a lot, and I like this one, too. Two out of two ain't bad.