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.in domains - jumping on the wrong bandwagon.

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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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My personal opinion here - I see many members buying up these .in names, many investing in US and UK expressions that no one in India has ever heard of. There maybe a billion people in India, but an extremely small % of those own or have access to a computer - and those that do are searching via the old favourites of .com, .net etc...
You have a .in name - will it get typeins - No. Unless you live in India, do you know how to develop these .ins for the Indian market? - Probably not. Have you got inordinate amounts of time to study the Indian market in order to get it right? - again, probably not.
Do yourselves a favour and stick to the mainstream stuff, you'll save alot of money that way.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 24, 2004
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I almost made the reg fee for more of the .in I got in just few days ( misspel & typein .in domains ) so your opinion , at least to the part that there are no typein .in is wrong.

now about the % of indian that r using internet or speak eng is correct but as time pass this % will go up..so for a long term invest makes a small sense.

But I thing most of us got some .in NOT to sell them to an Indian comp or webmaster OR get $$ from indian traffic......the .in extension sounds good and could easily make a cool, easily to remember domain.
look at whois.sc is not a .com however the specific ext is combined very well to the subject of project.
I believe many sites will go live with .in .. but not targered to Indian traffic..
e.g. Love.IN ...is this a good to be developed dating site domain or not?

That's main the reason I believe many preordered hundred's .in domain names.
I know is a .com world, and will be, but there is great revenue on ccTLD if you look at them.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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I'm not a big fan of .in either, just as I have not been one for .cn. ;)


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 14, 2002
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Ed30 said:
My personal opinion here - I see many members buying up these .in names, many investing in US and UK expressions that no one in India has ever heard of. There maybe a billion people in India, but an extremely small % of those own or have access to a computer - and those that do are searching via the old favourites of .com, .net etc...
You have a .in name - will it get typeins - No. Unless you live in India, do you know how to develop these .ins for the Indian market? - Probably not. Have you got inordinate amounts of time to study the Indian market in order to get it right? - again, probably not.
Do yourselves a favour and stick to the mainstream stuff, you'll save alot of money that way.

You are absolutely right.

I understand Indian market and yet I am not comfortable registering more than a handful of keywords (25 -30).

The only reseller value I see with the .IN names is, should it get branded as .INternet.
Even then I expect the value to be similar to .WS, except for the few top quality keywords.

It reminds me of the dot com bubble of the late 90's


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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What the dot .in landrush shows is that speculation, not anything concrete, is what usally drives a market in the early going. After the dust settles those markets with real instrinsic value will continue on. Even then, nothing is a guarantee.

Now you are probably wondering whether dot .in with ever have any real instrinsic value? My answer would be yes, they will have instrinsic value. I'm sure there will be a few companies who will use dot .in for branding purposes in India. Mabe a few young indians just exploring the world wide web may set their eyes on a dot .in name. I'm guessing the latter will be more the norm in the short term.

Therefore it is my judgement dot .in will continue on, however will it have the kind of value that will bring large returns for the domainers who are "sold" now on dot .in? I can honestly say without any reservation that these domains will not bring in the kind of returns so many are hoping for. Why? Most of the money made by all "landrushes" are made by the retailers. Most of the money made during the "gold rush" in the US in the late 1800's went to those people who sold stuff to the miners looking for gold.

Yes, you could conceivably be holding a dot .in name worth $xxx,xxx, but the odds of it happening are probably no better than if you went down to the local lottery store and bought a ticket. In fact your odds are probably better at winning the lottery as most indians will not pay the kind of money that a decent dot com could go for. Oh, and yes there are rich indians, but rich to them is a whole entire different thing then to you and I. Making $20,000 a year India would be considered a handsom wage. To you and I, it's a mere pittance. So don't count on them paying more than a few hundred for a dot .in name (if there would be any interest in it in the first place)

Moral of the story: Invest in things you understand. You'll never regret it.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 24, 2004
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If you are in the internet porn business, i think you should definately invest in porn dot .in names. I recently went to india and most people out there are going to internet cafes and typing in alot of dot com and dot .in porn names. Internet cafes in india are staying full of people all the time...i had to wait an hour just to check my email. Most men that are in these internet cafes are searching for indian porn pics; and now, some of these internet cafes even have private booths that they put people in to search for adult pics in private.

dot .in is a great investment for the future....more and more people are using computers in india....and the population out there is sooooo huge....way too many people out there!

I also went to china...and the people out there are typing .cn way more than dot com

anyways, good luck to all

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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.cn was a flop and the Chinese market is larger and has more available internet access

.ws was close to being a flop as well, although its true most people recognize it as "website"

.in will follow the same path, within 2 months even the "great" .in names wont be worth anything higher than 3 figures


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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uglypeople.com said:
If you are in the internet porn business, i think you should definately invest in porn dot .in names. I recently went to india and most people out there are going to internet cafes and typing in alot of dot com and dot .in porn names. Internet cafes in india are staying full of people all the time...i had to wait an hour just to check my email.
anyways, good luck to all

Do you homework:


In a deeply religious society, your odds of getting your dot .in porn site blocked in India would be probably high I'm guessing.

Again, don't invest in things that are foreign to you. I wonder how many people went to register smut names after reading your post?

I'm beginning to think that the domain industry is lacking serious market analysis. Everytime a new ccTLD, or gTLD comes out everyone is off to the races to see who can register, "Sex.whatever".

I'm also seriously considering developing a 10-Step program for people addicted to buying domains. If you think about it, what was the longest you've gone without visiting a domain registration site? If you are addicted, it's time to get help.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I think .in has a much better chance of being a large market, for two reasons.

1. Sheer number of computer/web savvy individuals - higher than China's
2. The suffix is just perfect for "in-ternet".

I have registered several strategic domains and in my opinion the market will bloom.


Domain Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Reasons To buy .IN
1) Can stand for India/Internet/Industry/International (Brandability)
2) It's better than .WS (which has really been the only option up till now).
3) Shorter than .INFO by two letters (less ugly).
4) Availability
5) Decent 3 LLL combos still exist
6) Cheaper alternative to .CC/.CN/.US.COM and many others
7) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
8) India's IT market is large. Huge programmer base.
9) Many international companies have India locations.
10) The TLD is open to anyone (Afilias knows this and is counting on it)
11) You can double your investment within a year
12) Register your www.name.in
13) People actually know about it in India (compared with .US)
14) Diversification of your portfolio

Reasons Not To Buy .IN
1) Price ($16-$20 is rather high)
2) India is a poor country
3) Other ways to make money
4) Potential high-risk investment
5) Unsure about track record of the registrars
6) Afilias
7) Your wife (lucky for singles)

Large Investors .IN
Mark Segal (NameGiant.com GB) - Buying One Word, Names, LLL
Norbert Mayer-Wittmann (DE)
Christoph Hartmann (DE)
Bjrn-Arne Spiegelhoff (DE)
Arthur Nagel (DE)
Daniel Fuehrer (DE)
Detlef Baur (DE)
Joern Schillmann (DE)
Matt Bamonte (DE)
Oliver Lueck (DE)
Norbert Mayer-Wittmann (CH)
Benito Sanchez Zabala (ES)
Thomas Dolezal (DC)
Amarla G.Nichani (IN)
Djankou Ndjonkou (IN)
Rajat Todi (IN)
Rajesh Chowdhary (IN)
Rajiv Kumar Chugh (IN)
Rajkumar Jalan (IN)
Vincent Peeris (IN)
Tariq Ghafoor (USA)
Worldwide Media, Inc. (NC, USA)
Jeff Cooper (OH, USA) - mostly english names
Mark Roswig (IL, USA)
Robert Connor (MN, USA ) - mostly US state names
Suresh Raghava (MI, USA)
Tom Burns (CA, USA)
Zolly McMahn (CO, USA)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 24, 2004
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izopod said:
Do you homework:


In a deeply religious society, your odds of getting your dot .in porn site blocked in India would be probably high I'm guessing.

Again, don't invest in things that are foreign to you. I wonder how many people went to register smut names after reading your post?

I'm beginning to think that the domain industry is lacking serious market analysis. Everytime a new ccTLD, or gTLD comes out everyone is off to the races to see who can register, "Sex.whatever".

I'm also seriously considering developing a 10-Step program for people addicted to buying domains. If you think about it, what was the longest you've gone without visiting a domain registration site? If you are addicted, it's time to get help.

Izopod, i don't know if you have been to india or not...but over there, money talks....india is corrupted...bigtime....you buy a police officer a cup of coffee and you are free to go.

Anyways, i know that they are trying to shut the porn down over in india...but it's not going to work...cause money talks.

I just been to india recently.....i have alot of family members in india....i have seen everything with my own 2 eyes....most men that went to these internet cafes searched for porn sites....they are porn crazy over there....i don't blame these guys....the women over there barely show any skin....it's sooo hot over there and still you barely never see women wearing short shorts....heck, you barely see them wearing shorts.....no wonder these guys up there are searching for porn.

Another thing i noticed was that they do NOT pay for porn...they are just searching and looking for free pics....most of them are not signing up to porn sites...they are just browsing.

Hey, you said something about people being addicted to domains....guess what....i just bought these domains last week....domainaholic.com and domainaholics.com....any ideas on what i should put on there???


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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60, 70, and 256 3-letter .in domains registered in the last 3 days. It will be exponential from here.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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uglypeople.com said:
domainaholic.com and domainaholics.com....any ideas on what i should put on there???

Maybe a forum on domain addiction?? Domain addiction is a real problem.


This is one lesson in domaining I will never forget:-

The cost of registering a name early is on average at least 10x less than getting it later from someone. This is just the lower end of the average, the upper end being 1000x and more. And you will have no way of knowing where the pendulum will swing, since prices come at the whim and fancies of those who staked their claim on the domain.

I spent about $400 on a couple of strategically important .IN domains. In comparison, I just bought ONE .INFO for $500 recently, a domain that slipped my net in the early days.

If .IN turns out to become a white elephant, no sweat to the wallet. It never existed. It it proves strategically important from a geotargeting point of view, then hurray, I just saved my arse a couple of grand.

I think .IN will have a role in the changing fabric of Internet addressing, anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't been reading the news or following the world economy.

Nonetheless, it is very apparent that you don't compare inherent values of CCTLDs to GTLDs in the same breadth and spit.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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healingsites said:
Yes - but if you paid $15 you just made three figures!

but that can happen in any extension...of course names like cars.in and phones.in are worth good money - these names are worth that much in any extension, but with .in there will never been enough added value over other, more obscure extentions to warrent registering high volumes of them


Domain Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 21, 2002
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I will always see value in 3 letter names. This is really where I see a large value in the extension currently (other than the major one word terms). They are an EASY sell to businesses who are looking for a more affordable option than .COM names. If you can get some good letter combinations now for $16/each and sell for $30-$100 a couple months to a year from now doesn't that sound like a good investment? Problem with people who bought .US & .BIZ names is they relied on scarcity to drive up crappy letter combinations. That is going to fail whatever country you live in. However, the good thing about india is that some normally weird letter combinations are being registered!

I have only invested in a handful of single words for development and SEO.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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mole said:
I spent about $400 on a couple of strategically important .IN domains.


(PS. Mole.in) :-D


** Mr. Pink **
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 6, 2002
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clemzonguy said:
Reasons To buy .IN
1) Can stand for India/Internet/Industry/International (Brandability)
2) It's better than .WS (which has really been the only option up till now).
3) Shorter than .INFO by two letters (less ugly).
4) Availability
5) Decent 3 LLL combos still exist
6) Cheaper alternative to .CC/.CN/.US.COM and many others
7) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
8) India's IT market is large. Huge programmer base.
9) Many international companies have India locations.
10) The TLD is open to anyone (Afilias knows this and is counting on it)
11) You can double your investment within a year
12) Register your www.name.in
13) People actually know about it in India (compared with .US)
14) Diversification of your portfolio

*I don't see .in standing for anything other than India. Not a bad thing, but those looking at Internet/Industry or whatever I think are stretching it big time.
*Not better than .ws. .WS is accepted as "website" already, and the letters actually work. Less competition from Western Samoa. .WS is 1/2 the cost on new regs, and although limited, a reseller market does exist.
*Looking at the number of regs so far, I think more will lose 100% rather than make 10% in a year. I think there are no more than 10,000 keywords that will have any profitable resale value in any extension other than .com without development. SEO applies to anything, not .in specifically.
*I don't think regging your personal name (as suggested above) makes any sense unless you are in or from India.
*You can diversify your portfolio with anything. Diversification is just the buzzword that brokers always used instead of really saying (buy what I'm selling).


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 17, 2003
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Stocdoctor said:
*I don't see .in standing for anything other than India. Not a bad thing, but those looking at Internet/Industry or whatever I think are stretching it big time.
*Not better than .ws. .WS is accepted as "website" already, and the letters actually work. Less competition from Western Samoa. .WS is 1/2 the cost on new regs, and although limited, a reseller market does exist.
*Looking at the number of regs so far, I think more will lose 100% rather than make 10% in a year. I think there are no more than 10,000 keywords that will have any profitable resale value in any extension other than .com without development. SEO applies to anything, not .in specifically.
*I don't think regging your personal name (as suggested above) makes any sense unless you are in or from India.
*You can diversify your portfolio with anything. Diversification is just the buzzword that brokers always used instead of really saying (buy what I'm selling).
Thanks for that Doc
Can you tell me where I can get some 3 letter .ws for $19 ?
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