Ed30 said:
My personal opinion here - I see many members buying up these .in names, many investing in US and UK expressions that no one in India has ever heard of. There maybe a billion people in India, but an extremely small % of those own or have access to a computer - and those that do are searching via the old favourites of .com, .net etc...
You have a .in name - will it get typeins - No. Unless you live in India, do you know how to develop these .ins for the Indian market? - Probably not. Have you got inordinate amounts of time to study the Indian market in order to get it right? - again, probably not.
Do yourselves a favour and stick to the mainstream stuff, you'll save alot of money that way.
Well said Ed - I have owned prime one word Indian .com names like clothes.com, shoes.com, sample.com, disease.com for years with little (although increasing by the month) or no traffic. It will perhaps take 5-10 years for the Indian market to fully mature where as mainstream usage is concerned. And within this time frame .com will most likely rule.
I was born and raised in India. A billion plus people means very little, when most do not speak proper English and an equal number, whose life revolves around managing to feed their family under very difficult circumstances.
People forget that knowledge and experience of a particular culture plays an important role in which names will get market recognition in the future. Reading IT news coming out of India is very deceptive. Much of India is as rural as ever.
There will be perhaps thousands of one word .in domains which will be priceless only in the eyes of the owner. But somehow and somewhere logic takes a back seat.
The price paid for the satisfaction of owning a good domain is worth it, I guess. What the market demands, is of course another story.