Originally posted by SedoCoUk
Here are some of Sedo's recent .info sales values, for those who are interested:
(Confidential 3-letter acronym).info: 11,600 euros
Oase.info ("oasis"): 6000 euros
Videos.info: 4000 euros
Beach.info: 2650 euros
basel.info: 2500 euros
angst.info: 1200 euros
... and many others of lesser value.
Thanks for the interesting data Matthew. I seem to recall a couple months ago some folks were saying that there are no .INFO sales. That has changed. I now have three sources of data indicating .INFO values in the several thousands of dollars:
(1) Directi bid list; (2) personal communication with sellers; and (3) this data from Sedo.
Also, a couple months ago some folks were saying that there were virtually no good working .INFO sites. That has changed. That was the main purpose of my study on working .INFO sites (to document that there are some and what categories they are). Now people are discussing what percentage of .INFO sites are working (my report did not estimate that). I reviewed a couple thousand sites manually and was not willing to tackle 900,000! Interesting, albeit small sample, data from thewitt concerning higher percentage of new .INFO registrations being used than new .COM registrations.
I think that stats concerning growth in working websites and secondary-market domain sales are more predictive of long-term extension success than registrations. Extensions can have growth in registrations without underlying value and then burst like a bubble. .COM registrations increased long after growth in underlying value began to decline... and is only now beginning to recover.
A couple months ago, some folks said .INFO has no value. Now folks are discussing how many sales are in the three or four figures.
A couple months ago, some folks said that there were no genuine working .INFO websites. Now folks are discussing what percentage of .INFO sites are working. Thewitt reported data showing a higher proportion of working websites for new .INFO registrations and .COM registrations.
For my two cents, the jury is still out. It is very difficult for an extension to take off without big business buy-in which has been meager thusfar ... at least in the U.S. I do think, however, that a COMopoly investment strategy is a big risk. I prefer a diversified .COM/.INFO portfolio. We shall see.